Short Story- Megatron's Sparkling

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Megatron's sparklings were a rare sight in the Decepticon base. The mighty leader of the Decepticons cared deeply for his offspring, especially for his precious sparkling, SkyLight. She was timid, shy, and often scared, perhaps more so than any other sparkling Megatron had seen before. And today, that fear had escalated to new heights.

Amidst the chaos of battle, SkyLight had somehow wandered away from the safety of the Decepticon base. Lost and afraid, she found herself among the fiery battleground, surrounded by towering structures crumbling under the destruction caused by Autobots and Decepticons locked in fierce combat.

Megatron, fueled by both rage and concern, fought valiantly against the Autobots, but the moment he heard that his princess was in danger, his optics widened. He looked towards Soundwave, his loyal friend and communication specialist, understanding that if anyone could locate her amidst the chaos, it was him.

"Soundwave, survey the battlefield. Find the princess," Megatron commanded urgently, his voice filled with a mix of fear and paternal instincts.

Without hesitation, Soundwave's visor emitted a blue glow as he formed a connection with his vast network of surveillance equipment. He surveyed the battlefield swiftly and efficiently, utilizing his unique abilities to locate SkyLight amidst the turmoil. After moments that felt like an eternity, his visor flickered with the image of the lost sparkling.

"Master, she's that way," Soundwave reported, pointing in a direction amidst the chaos.

Without a moment's delay, Megatron transformed into his vehicle mode and rocketed towards the location indicated by Soundwave. As he approached, he saw his little sparkling, huddled in a corner, her tiny frame trembling with fear as tears streamed down her face.

"Sire!" she cried out, her voice choked with both fear and relief.

Megatron immediately transformed back into his towering robot form and rushed to her side, gently scooping her up into his arms. He held her close, his hands acting as a protective shield against the war raging around them.

"You'll be fine, my little one. Sire is here. Sire's got you," Megatron whispered soothingly, trying to calm his trembling sparkling. SkyLight clung to him, seeking comfort from her sire's embrace.

With his precious cargo in his arms, Megatron swiftly made his way back to the Decepticon base, his primary concern now ensuring his sparkling's safety. He shielded her from the horrors of the battlefield, his powerful presence providing the sense of security she desperately needed.

Once they were safely within the confines of the Decepticon base, Megatron gently set SkyLight down on the ground, crouching down to be eye level with her.

"You're safe now, my little princess," he assured her, his voice filled with warmth and love. "Your sire will always be here to protect you."

SkyLight sniffled, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand. The loud explosions and gunfire were no longer as frightening when she was nestled in her sire's arms. She clung tightly to his finger, feeling a renewed sense of security.

"Meg...sire," she stammered, her voice still trembling. "I...was...scared."

Megatron's optics softened as he brushed a hand through the sparkling's delicate jet-black hair. "I understand, little one. But you're safe now. Your sire would do anything to protect you. Nothing will harm you as long as I am here."

SkyLight nodded, her fear slowly dissipating as she began to trust in her sire's words. Together, they walked hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges lay before them, their bond as strong as ever. And as the chaos continued to rage outside, Megatron vowed to keep his sparkling safe, no matter the cost.

Words: 602

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