Short Story- Bee Saves Prime's Wife

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Bumblebee, the courageous and quick-witted Autobot scout, glanced over his shoulder and witnessed a chilling sight. He saw an ominous figure pursuing Prime's wife, Sunburst. His spark raced with a mix of concern and instinctive protective energy, as he knew he had to intervene.

Without a moment's hesitation, Bee sprang into action. His agile frame darted across the field, his audial sensors picking up the sound of footsteps closing in on Sunburst. Time seemed to stretch as his vision focused, and he saw the figure draw a gleaming blade, ready to inflict harm upon her.

With a burst of speed, Bee closed the distance between them, desperately racing against time. As he reached Sunburst, his spark sank with a sickening realization, for the blade had already found its mark. Anguish and determination surged through his systems as he knelt beside her, his optics wide with shock.

Fighting back panic, Bee activated his communicator, reaching out to Prime with a sense of urgency. His voice trembled, yet resolute.

"Prime! It's Sunburst... She's been stabbed! She needs help, now!"

The distress and concern in Bee's words conveyed the gravity of the situation. Prime, ever the steadfast leader, swiftly acknowledged the distress call. His powerful voice filled the comm channel, exhibiting both authority and concern.

"Bumblebee, maintain your position. I'm on my way. Reinforcements are en route."

Bee remained at Sunburst's side, his gaze locked on her pale face. Fear and worry wracked his processor, but he refused to let them consume him. With every ounce of his being, he focused on keeping Sunburst stable and secure, applying pressure to her wound with a trembling hand.

Minutes felt like an eternity until Prime's heavily armored frame appeared, his optics narrowed with a combination of rage and anguish. He swiftly assessed the situation, his gaze meeting Bee's optics with unspoken gratitude.

Taking charge, Prime ordered his medics to tend to Sunburst immediately. The skilled Autobot medics sprang into action, carefully lifting her and transporting her to the medical bay. Bee trailed behind, his tires squealing as he followed closely, unwilling to leave her side.

In the medical bay, the team worked with unwavering dedication, their skills and state-of-the-art technology employed to save Sunburst's life. Prime stood vigilantly beside her, his mighty frame emanating an aura of protection and reassurance.

Hours turned into an eternity, but the moment the medics informed them that Sunburst was stabilized, a collective sigh of relief echoed through the room. Prime clasped Bee's shoulder gratefully, acknowledging his bravery and quick response.

As Sunburst slowly regained consciousness, her optics flickering open, a mixture of pain and gratitude evident in her gaze. She reached out, her frail hand finding Prime's.

"Thank you, Bumblebee," she whispered, her voice weak but filled with gratitude.

Bee's visor brightened, reflecting a mixture of relief and determination. "You're family, Sunburst. We look out for each other."

And in that pivotal moment, their bond tightened. The incident served as a reminder that even in the face of darkness and danger, the Autobots would stand united, safeguarding one another as they fought for a brighter future. Together, they would prevail against any threat, for their strength lies not just in their abilities, but in their unwavering loyalty and love for one another.

Words: 543

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