Short Story- Prime's Wife

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Prime, the wise and mighty leader of the Autobots, observed the heated argument between Ratchet and Bulkhead with understanding eyes. They were both strong-willed warriors, often clashing over their differing perspectives. But Prime knew that their unwavering dedication to their cause would eventually lead them to a common ground.

As Prime's attention turned, he noticed his beloved wife, Steelblast, gracefully making her way toward him. Joy spread across his stern face knowing that the time for their newborn son's arrival was imminent. He stood waiting, eager to hear how she was feeling.

"How are you feeling, Steelblast?" Prime asked, his voice gentle and filled with concern. He stood there, towering above her, but his presence was comforting.

Steelblast, a resilient and equally strong-willed femmebot, smiled warmly at Prime. Her energized blue optics sparkled with anticipation, though exhaustion weighed on her frame. Placing a hand protectively over her swollen abdomen, she leaned in closer to Prime.

"Optimus," she began, her voice tinged with a mixture of weariness and excitement. "I can't describe the overwhelming anticipation I feel. Soon, our bundle of joy will join our family, bringing light and hope to our lives."

Prime's optics softened, reflecting the love he held for Steelblast and their unborn child. He wrapped his massive arm around her shoulders, offering his unwavering support.

"Steelblast," he said, his deep voice filled with tenderness. "You have faced battles with great courage, but this journey of bringing new life into the world is unparalleled. Know that I will be by your side, every step of the way, supporting and protecting both you and our child."

Steelblast leaned into Prime's embrace, finding solace in his unwavering strength. Together, they stood in the midst of the bustling Autobot base, finding a quiet moment amidst the chaos.

As they shared this intimate exchange, Ratchet and Bulkhead, their argument momentarily forgotten, glanced over, witnessing the loving bond between their leader and his wife. A rare smile crept across Ratchet's face, acknowledging the beauty of new beginnings.

With a sense of unity and purpose, Prime and Steelblast faced the imminent arrival of their newborn son, ready to embark on a journey filled with joy, challenges, and love. The Autobot team, united by their shared mission, stood as a supportive backdrop, ready to celebrate the miracle of life and embrace the newest addition to their family.

In that moment, the Autobots were reminded that in the face of adversity, the arrival of new life could rekindle hope and inspire them to push forward, no matter the challenges that lay ahead. As their leader and his wife prepared for the arrival of their son, a sense of tranquility settled upon the Autobot base, filling every spark with anticipation and excitement for the future that awaited them.

Words: 461

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