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Five years later....

She changed gears and turned the wheel on the other side of the road, feeling relief wash over her like a gentle breeze, erasing the frown from her features as she drove down the familiar road, just minutes away from her home. As she neared the grand mansion, a camera at the entrance scanned her car's license plate, granting her access. Diligent guards closed the mansion's main entrance behind her.

Killing off the engine, she gathered her belongings from the passenger seat. A tired yet grateful smile graced her lips as a guard opened the door for her. Thanking him. She headed towards the entrance, and she spotted the head houseworker, Ashley, seated on the couch reading a book. Her sharp ankle boots echoed in the hall, prompting Ashley to rise with a warm smile, extending a sweet greeting to the lady of the luxurious mansion.

"Welcome back, Missus Cassano," Ashley greeted with her usual enthusiasm, despite Celia's consistent late arrivals. Ashley always waited for her, serving her freshly prepared meals and catering to her every need.

Celia pouted, playfully complaining like a child, "Ashley, why do you always wait for me, especially when I don't like you staying up late?"

Ashley's smile widened as she placed the book back on the table and approached Celia. However, before she could reach Celia's belongings, Celia turned around to face her, their eyes locking in a brief moment of mutual understanding.

"Have you eaten?" Celia's tone grew serious.

Ashley nodded affirmatively, eliciting a smile from Celia. "Then, you may retire for the night."

"But-" Ashley attempted to protest, only to be silenced by Celia's finger pressed gently against her lips.

"No buts. You should rest, dear. I've already had dinner, and my eyes are about to give up. Please, don't tire yourself for me. Just go to sleep," Celia insisted, removing her finger.

"But Mister Cassano instructed me to look after you, and I must obey his orders," Ashley protested earnestly.

Celia's expression turned sharp as she inquired, "When did he return?"

"About two hours ago," Ashley replied, nodding. Celia turned and finalized her instructions before entering the elevator.

"I'm going to sleep; you should too. And you know tomorrow I really want you to be active, and present in the function. And I don't need anything more for tonight." Before Ashley could protest further, the elevator doors closed, taking Celia away.

With a sigh of relief, Celia acknowledged Ashley's gratitude for her devotion and service. She had always been sincere and dedicated, never showing any negativity to Venezio despite Celia's occasional arguments with her. Celia knew she could rely on Ashley, and in many ways, the houseworker had made her life easier.

As she reached her designated floor. Celia turned her attention to another door on the fourth floor, where she knew he would be. Stepping towards it, she took a deep breath before quietly peeking inside.

The dimly lit room bore the unmistakable scent of his cologne, a testament to his presence. On one side, two little figures rested under the covers, while on the other, a muscular figure lay beside a baby girl, leaving her covered while securing her with pillows.

His hand cradled the baby as though holding onto life itself. Toys and books scattered around the room hinted at the stories he had read to them. With a soft smile, Celia closed the door quietly and proceeded to make her way towards their suite. Ambling towards the closet she set her belongings in their proper places before entering the bathroom, where she locked the door.

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