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A groan of discomfort escaped her soft, trembling lips as she fought to open her heavy eyelids. The pain pulsated through her head, signaling the onset of an impending migraine. Her vision slowly adjusted to her surroundings, revealing that she was not in her own room or in any familiar setting. The navy blue and white walls enclosed her, while silk white blinds partially hid the windows. The atmosphere of the suite was chilly to the exact of her liking.

Her memory flashed back to the events that had unfolded before, and she momentarily closed her eyes shut in frustration. Opening them again, she suddenly dropped her gaze to her clothes and found herself adorned in an unfamiliar pair of loose t-shirt and trousers. Did that bastard change her clothes?

"Fuck yourself, Celia Fer--- D'Amico Cassano," she muttered under her breath, frustrated at her own carelessness. And suddenly, it dawned upon her that she had vomited again. Something beat against her in anticipation, and she recalled that she had never consumed the birth control pills. Her eyes widened, and her mouth agape, shock and terror flowing through her veins coldly.

No, she couldn't be here if she was pregnant.

She couldn't.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't pay any heed to the door of the suite swung open, and a man in his late-thirties entered, swiftly closing the door behind him and locking it safely. Whistling, he gained her terror-struck attention, and she narrowed her eyes at him. The room remained dimly lit, and Celia could only make out blurry images of his silhouette. Even though she knew what a Greek god-like body structure he possessed, Celia found herself in a state of dilemma.

She had no idea what day of her abduction it was or where she could be. But the plan was never to be captive in this game for more than a month.

With a snap of his fingers, the room transformed from dimly lit to brightly illuminated, causing Celia to instinctively close her eyes due to the sudden brightness. Gradually, her eyes fluttered open, allowing her gaze to ascend and drink in the sight before her. It ascended, ascending to meet his towering, well-sculpted physique and striking features.

Her scrutinizing gaze collided with his captivating pair of ebony eyes, just like her own, filled with an enigmatic allure. She couldn't help but analyze the chiseled contours of his face, and then her gaze dropped south to his well-built structure. The lean torso accentuated his muscular chest and broad shoulders, exuding a tantalizing allure. His white shirt sleeves were rolled up, revealing a glimpse of his veiny hand, while his left hand bore a tapestry of vibrant tattoos. A wristwatch adorned his right wrist.

"He's a lefty," she thought, briefly noticing the watch on his right wrist.

Their eyes locked in a collision, her black orbs turning his own ebony orbs into a darker shade, causing her breath to hitch in her chest. Tracing the curve of his lips, slightly upturned on one side, she observed his scrutinizing gaze upon her flushed and conflicted features.

Unconsciously, she bit her lower lip. The extended goatee on his chiseled, diamond-shaped face accentuated the exquisite craftsmanship of his features. Her gaze lingered on the eyebrow piercing adorning his left brow, before his eyes settled on her once more.

As he reached out, his fingers aiming to graze the skin of her neck, Celia swiftly slid to the other end of the bed, her movements unsteady as she rose to her feet on the ground. The expression on her face shifted, her emotions concealed behind a mask of determination. She met his ebony gaze with a resolute look in her own orbs, a fire burning within her that refused to be extinguished.

"Why am I here, Mister La'Rossi?" Celia spoke, her voice steady and unwavering. There was no attempt to hide the fact that she knew his name, her knowledge of him a weapon she wielded with confidence. An amused look crossed Cassian's features as he took a step back, settling into a single seater. His left leg crossed over his right, and his right elbow rested casually on the hand of the seater. His gaze intensified as he scrutinized her, adding to the frustration that simmered within her.

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