"A damsel in distress perhaps? Locked away in a tower." Moony grinned, and Harry and I chuckled. Sirius looked completely lost. "Muggle fairy tales, Padfoot." He patted his knee.

"Oh." He said, a blush creeping on his cheeks as he looked at the spot Remus's hand had been. Harry and I shared a secret grin. Harry, not knowing I had the same train of thoughts about him and my cousin.

"Probably no damsel in distress," Harry said. "They wouldn't put other students in danger for the sake of the game." Oh, how wrong he was but we didn't know that then. "So, guarding or protecting something?" He turned to me.

"That would be my guess." I nodded. "We probably need a way around them, preferably without getting burned alive." I didn't see Remus or Sirius's look turn into pure terror. I tapped the quill against my chin as I leaned on my knees. "We're only allowed a wand, yes?"


"So, I can't use a potion, too bad. I could make one to put it to sleep. But I should look into the spells we trained for to see what could distract it, even for a little bit. I could transfigure something..." All different ideas sprouted in my head and started to write them down. "But that won't help you, Harry."

"Why not?"

"This is not a jibe or an insult, but you don't know as much as we do. That's why the age limit was set on seventeen." I sighed. "You're a great wizard, Harry, but this is next-level shit."

"Alec." Remus said.

I stuck out my tongue to him before looking back to Harry. "But you're great on a broom."

"We're not allowed a broom."

"But you are allowed a wand." Remus pointed out. I saw he was on the same page as me. It took a little longer before Sirius and Harry figured it out.

When Harry went over the summoning charm with Remus and Sirius, I went to the kitchen to make some tea. When the pot whistled, I turned off the stove and thought of the twins. Shit, they must be worried. I quickly took my wand, and conjured my Patronus and sent a message to them.

"You can cast a Patronus?" Sirius asked baffled.

"Uhm, yeah. Moony taught me."

"Is there something you can't do?" He laughed softly, and then a sad smile appeared on his lips. "You're so much like your mother, she was dead clever too."

"I wanted to be like her growing up, but it turned out differently. My mum was more books, calculations, thinking before acting, I, on the other hand..."

"I'm afraid, you inherited that from me. Or from Remus." He laughed again, nervously.

"Yeah." I said quietly.

"Who did you send the Patronus to? Jack?"

"No, Fred and George. They worry."

"And Jack doesn't?"

"He does, but he knows me. He knows how I can be reckless yet careful. Knowing if there is something wrong, I would go to Moony. He just knows."

"That's a special bond."

"It is. He's my best friend." I said smiling. I still can't believe I'm telling him all this, with a smile, nonetheless. But there we were, baby steps.

"Are there other friends of yours that have come too?"

"Jazz," I said. "I've known Jack since I was five, I think. The boy next door for a long time. But Jazz and I met when I was eleven, on the first day of school. Been inseparable since. It's nice to have them here."

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