Chapter 37

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(Nikki's POV)

"Okay I have the test results, the baby daddy is... Sam."

I start to cry... but why isn't Jen crying.

"I'm so sorry Nikki."

"No your not, you love Logan." I was bawling.

(Jen's POV)

I start to cry and run out, I know stupid move but she was right.

I get out my phone and dial Ethan's number. It goes straight to voicemale.

"Ummm... hey Ethan, the baby is Sams, what a relief. I was wondering what you meant when you said I'm coming? Well, see you in a couple months. Until then... I love you and I have things planned for when I get home. Bye and miss you."

Why didn't he answer, he always answers? Is something up?

I walk back in to the room.

"Should we tell Logan that it's not his?"

"When he gets out of the hospital."

"But that's in a long time!"

"Jen calm down."

"Well what about Sam, are you gonna tell him that it's his?"

"Yes, I'll call him when we get home."


"Logan was so happy he was gonna be a dad, but I let him down."

"I'm sure he will be okay when you tell him it's Sams."

"No he won't, he will be crushed that I cheated on him."

"Well, why did you cheat on him in the first place?"

"I don't know..." I give her the stank look. "Sam is just soooo hoooottt."

"Don't you think Logan is hot too?"

"Well yeah, but Sam is a bad boy and Logan is not."

"You are free to go Mrs. Thompson."

"Thanks you bye."

------back at the house--------------------

(Nikki's POV)

"Call Sam!"

"Okay, okay I am."

"Put it on speaker, pwease."

I put it on speaker, it rings twice and he picks up.



"May I ask who this is?"

"Oh it's Nikki, sorry."

"Oh, hey Nik what do you need?"

"Well, ummm... I don't know how to put this, but... ummm."

"Nik, what?!"

"Weeeeelll, your going to be a dad."


"You heard me."

"A... dad?"


"I can't be a dad I have a girlfriend, Justice."

"I'm sorry, but you are."

I hear a loud bang from the phone.

"I'll call Justice and tell her the BIG news."

"Okay, bye."


"That went well." says Jen very sarcastically.

"Hah, yeah it did."

At that moment Jen gets a call from Ethan.

(Ethan's POV)

"Hey babe, my one and only girlfriend who I love the most."

"Why are you acting so weird?"

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