End of summer

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Sense the school burned down, the students are going to split up into different school districts.

Jen's mom lives in Virginia, but her dad lives in California. Jen normally lives with her dad during the school year and then she lives with her mom during the summer.

"Jen we have to talk." says Jen's dad.

"Okay, what's up?"

"Well umm I don't know how to say this..."

"What?!, Is it Logan is he okay?!"

"Logan's fine, it's about school..."


"Your mom and I were talking about your school, and we both think it would be best if next year, you would go to school in Virginia."

"What?!" Jen said stunned.

"You'll be moving up there at the end of summer."

"B-b-but I cant."



"Logan will be fine."

Jen goes to her room crying. She hears her dad taking to her mom on the phone.

"She didn't take it very well, yeah I feel bad, but what can we do?."

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