Chapter 34

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(Jen's life)

(Jen's POV)

"Rudy I have some news..."

"what's up?"


"You better not be pregnant!"

"I'm not, I have to go back to California for 5 months to stay with Nikki."

"With Nikki?!"

"Yeah she's pregnant an she needs my help."

"Who's the daddy?!"


"OMGosh Jen!!"

"He has cancer so he won't be there for four months, because he's in the hospital."

"Awe Jennifer, when are you leaving?"


"Jennifer please don't go, your my only friend u have here and I'll miss you."

"I'm sorry Rudy but I have to."

I hang up the phone.

-------------tomorrow morning-----------

I packed all of my stuff last night so all I have to do is drive to California.

I haven't been to California for 6 years, I'm pretty scared to go back and especially to see Logan.

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