I feel the same

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(Logan's life)

"Read it, read it!!" Says Todd Logan's friend.

"But I haven't talked to her in so long I feel like it would be wrong." replies Logan.

"Read it!!"

Logan opens the diary up and flips to the page with the bookmark in it, which happens to be the page Jen talks about about her feelings for Logan.

"HOLY CRAP!!, I didn't know Jen felt this way."

Logan starts to cry as he thinks about how he was ignoring her.

"What's wrong bro."

"I have to go, Jen loves me."

"Lol dude she is weird."

"I have to tell her."

"Tell her what!?"

Logan runs out the door, Todd runs after him.

"Where are you going?!"

"Not sure yet, but I have to find Jen!"

Logan keeps running but Todd slows down.

"Go get her tiger, RAWR!!"

"Stay wild!" Logan screams back at Todd

"Stay sexy!" Todd screams back.

As Logan's running down the street, Nikki sees him and screams to him...

"Where are you going?!"

"Getting Jen, oh and by the way were done!"

Smirking, Logan keeps running.

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