We used to have it all

15 0 0

"Hey wanna be friends and go play game cube?"

Those were the first words Jen ever said to Logan.

It's been 2 months sense Jen and Logan talked.

(Jen's diary entry)

I saw Logan today, he looked nice, but he was with her, with Nikki.

He looked at me with a sad face, then Nikki turned him around and kissed him.

She looked at me with her evil face as if I were supposed to be jealous.

The most surprising thing actually happened, I was jealous.

Oh my gosh, I think I like Logan!!

(End of diary)

Jen went to her room and started to cry, the ink in her diary smeared.

"Now he'll never know how I feel!"

Mad world //completed//Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat