"Are you okay"

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"Umm what's your name Logan's "friend?"

"J-j-Jen Smith."

The nurse writes down Jen's name on a silver clipboard.

"Follow me."

They walk down the hall till they get to room 103.

"Here we are."


Jen starts crying at the sight of her best friend connected to all of the machines and I.v.'s.

"Oh, hey Jen didn't think you'd come this early."

"There was a fire drill, are you okay?!"

"Yeah I'm fine they said everything's normal but I have to come in here once a month to monitor my breathing."

"Logan that's serious."

Jen lays down beside Logan and they start talking about Nikki.

"So that new girl Nikki seems nice."

"Why do all of our conversations have to be about her?"

"Looks like someone's jelly."

"Shut up!"

After a little while of meaningless talking Jen receives an unsettling text from Nikki.

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