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'Magnolia, prettiest girl that I know...'

The song echoed through the grocery store as it played through the speakers, some taking a moment to listen and enjoy the music, while some continued walking and paying no mind to the song.

'How can I compete with her?'

Your eyes scanned the list of grocery items your mother gave you, trying to block the song from your ears as you read it.

'She doesn't know that the world is turning just for her...'

You reached for the basket without turning your eyes away from the paper you held in your right hand. After taking a basket, you walked to a certain aisle.

'I wish I could be Magnolia..'

Looking around, you searched for the items written on the list, crossing out the things you've gotten. Finally, after getting all the things, you walked to the cashier counter, lining up with others and patiently waited for your turn.

Sensing someone behind you, you glanced towards them, catching glimpse of a sweet elderly couple. Seeing that, you immediately stepped aside and let them take your place.

"Oh, are you sure, dear? It's alright, you don't have to do that." The old woman said, smiling, her smile lines showing.

"No, it's okay. I feel much better if I let you ahead of me," You smiled back before seeing the grocery basket her husband held, "Would you mind if I hold your basket for you?"

The old man turned to his wife beside him, the elderly lady then repeated what you said to him by making hand signs. The old man then turned back to you and shook his head, smiling with appreciation.

Realizing the situation, you signed, "Please let me hold your basket for you, I don't mind at all. I... go to the gym, I work out." Lies, you don't work out for sh*t.

His eyes-and smile-immediately brightened and he eagerly used his free hand to reply back, "You know sign language?"

You nodded, "I do, but I'm not that fluent."

He turned to his wife, excitedly, as if telling her he met another person who understands sign language even though she's right beside him. She only nodded to him, sharing the same bright smile her husband has.

"So.. can I hold your basket for you??" You asked with your voice.

The elderly lady nodded, patting her husband's arm to let him give you the basket. He obediently did so, giving you the basket.

After chatting and registering the grocery items bought, you escorted them to their car, carrying their grocery bags along with yours.

As you walked out, you finally opened your ears to the continuously on loop song just as you exited.

'Magnolia.. She can move oceans and rivers with ease...'


"Thank you for helping us with our groceries, dear. You are one of a kind, a true angel you are." Mrs. Yoarashi thanked, smiling ear to ear. Her husband nodded with agreement.

"It was nothing, Mrs. Yoarashi. I'm glad to have been of help." You smiled, she chuckled.

"Well, off you go now, sweetie. Don't keep your mother waiting." You nodded, waving goodbye to them as they drove off.

Once their car was out of your sight, you walked over to where you parked your bicycle. Placing your grocery bags in the basket of your bicycle as you moved your bike before you went on your way.

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