Chapter 34: Give In (Wolfe's POV)

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"Don't worry I am on your side. My real name is Austin Ainsworth. I am undercover to put an end to Evan Schultz's mafia."

My body is still aching from the ass beatings of Pop Eye. Austin slams my head into the table when the cops go by and I have to ask myself if it is an act or if he's just really enjoying the facade he is playing. I suppose I would get into character as well, too bad I am the one who has to suffer a migraine at his expense. When I open my eyes, I see stars and Austin orders someone to get an ice pack for me.

"I will be in to check on you from time to time. Don't talk to anyone. Don't piss off Pop Eye. You will live longer that way if you do. As for Annie, she knows all about me. Don't worry my men are watching her every move. I assure you, we have her best interest at heart. If Evan tries to hurt her, my men have been ordered to kill on sight."

Holy cow!

This guy comes with a secret army of protection for Annie. At least she is safe and for some reason that helps calm a small part of my soul. I can't say that all of me is calm, but the parts that carry Annie aren't as unhinged as before.

"Thanks for doing this. I don't know why you are helping me. But you won't regret it."

It's not like he has any reason to trust me. In fact there isn't a reason for me to trust him, but for now I do. He's offered me the one thing I wanted a peace of mind about Annie. Evan can kill me, but after I am dead I will know that this Austin Ainsworth will put an end to the man who had his family murdered. It's personal for him too, even more so because this is flesh and blood. Blood is thicker than water, even for distant cousins who carry the same family name with them.

"I know I won't. For now keep low, and do what they say. Evan's coming and I need to he convincing. I need to punch your face now. It makes it more believable."

Even though I used to fight on the streets to survive and played couch surfer in my time, I never recover properly from a punch to the face. I will likely see more stars and my head will ache in ways I've never dreamed of. My body remembers ass kicks but I still hate that feelings of blows to the face. The stomach is stronger, and I can bounce back from that. But my face is where my brain is, and it's hard to be level-headed with a migraine.

Austin pops his punch to my cheekbone in a way that looks worse than it is. Evan waltzes in and orders Austin out of the room.

"What do you have to say for yourself, Wolfe. I bet you feel fucked with now. Not only are you framed for our college friend's untimely death. But soon even Bethany will be dead. That's right, Wolfe. My men know where she is, and they have orders to kill on my command. All you have to do is promise to never see, warn, or think about Annie ever again. Do that and I promise to take good care of her for a while until I break her over and over again. I will break her a thousand times again. I will break her as I put another pup in her. It won't be your baby. It will be mine and he will inherit my name. Because I have money, Wolfe. And money is power. When you own the world, the judges, the police, and the system you can do whatever you want to whom ever you want. No one can stop me. Now that you've met my new lawyer, Austin Hendrix, you probably can tell that even the lawyers want to frame you. You've been beaten like the little man you always we're. It's embarrassing to think I ever wanted to be your friend. I was young and I've outgrown you. So what do you say, Wolfe? Do you promise to agree or shall my men kill the only woman who ever loved you back?"

My heart pumps and he knows he's taken a knife and his metaphorically stabbed me where it hurts. I pull at the hand cuffs with all my might to break free. My hands are ready for blood, his blood. I want to feel the life he has ends beneath my clenching fists. The voice of Austin rings in my head. I need to be agreeable. I calm down and start breathing. My hands don't try to break free anymore. I submit to being a beat dog for now. It's about survival and nothing more.

"I agree to your terms you sick fuck. Just don't kill, Annie."

Evan slaps me in the face. He reinforces the blow where Austin pitifully punched me for show. I've been hit on more times today than I can count. But I need to trust that Austin isn't playing me too. If he is, I am fucked. But I believe his words, why would he compromise his cover and identity to me if it were a facade? He would have nothing to gain.

"Glad to hear it. Have my men continue following, Annie. Don't kill her yet. Let's see what she does."

Even whispers into a small walkie talkie. It's only a matter of time, before Austin pulls the trigger. I suspect that the men Evan thinks are under his control, are actually playing him and have for a while now. There are likely more than one man acting like Austin Ainsworth. I will continue to watch them play out their facade and will enjoy watching Evan. Because he has no idea what's coming for him, but I do.

Watch out Evan Schultz, you time will come. Mark my words, this is the beginning of the end for you. Your kingdom of deception will crumble and if I have to die for that world to exist then so be it. If my death and Evan's death give Annie freedom, it's a small price to pay for her forever peaceful future. Annie, my darling, wherever you are, hold on...the end of this tyrant is near.

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