Chapter 21: The Surprise (Bethany's POV)

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Evan's business trip has finally arrived. The conversation between Wolfe and Evan was heart-wrenching at best. I heard what Evan said about me, and yet I am too afraid to do anything about it. Why am I afraid to leave someone who hates me? Any outsider would think he hates me, I just further his status.

Evan leaves early in the morning. I pretend I am sleeping to avoid saying goodbye. I don't want to say good bye. He'd probably give me some last-minute advice that would make me feel worse about myself.

All the things I hate about myself, in retrospect are things he wants me to deny or fix about myself. The truth is I could fix myself a thousand times over and never be enough for him. He could come to me with a list of things to fix myself and after that list is done, ten more lists would follow and then ten more. At what point is a woman worthy of love for just being herself? At what point are her likes and dislikes allowed to be valued? With Evan, such a thing is only a dream, a fantasy that existed long ago.

I stand up and watch the Uber lights pull out of the driveway through a little hole in the certain.

"Good riddance," I whisper.

"Yeah, I thought he'd never leave," Wolfe says as he let's himself into my bedroom. He didn't wait very long for Evan to leave before inviting himself in. How long has he been standing there?

"You don't wait long do you?" I reply as I leave the hole in the curtain alone.

"Bullshit, I've waited for two whole weeks for this moment. He's gone. Now we can...pick up where we left off..." Wolfe trails off and sighs a bit. I know watching Evan around me has been hard for him. Its been hard throwing myself at Evan when this whole time I wanted it to be Malcolm. I needed it to be Malcolm. But it's complicated.

"Wolfe, I am tired I am heading off to bed."

"That's what I like to hear," Wolfe walks over and wraps his arms around me.

"I am serious, Malcolm. I am exhausted. Can we cuddle in your room? I feel weird being in here."

"Not as weird as I felt when we were watching Rocky. Seriously what the hell was Evan thinking feeling you up in front of me? I know he doesn't know about know messing around. But even as a former friend, it's just not cool to feel up a woman with a third wheel in the room. It made me jealous, I hated that night."

I hated that night too knowing how awkward Evan was being with Wolfe. He was only doing it to mark his territory. That's what Evan sees me as a piece of ass he has conquered. I will be his trophy wife that he fucks when he comes home from business trips. For all I know he's fucking someone else on the side. Wolfe and I aren't too far away from crossing all boundaries, all lines. Would anyone blame me for caving into Wolfe's words and touch.

"I hated that night too. It was unnerving. I felt nothing, Wolfe. What's wrong with me? I heard what he said to you. He hates me, Wolfe. He fucking hates me. He says he loves me but calls my writing career a hobby. He says he loves me but calls me fat. Am I fat Wolfe? I've been wondering for two weeks if I am," I say as I put my hands over my lips in shame. My eyes are red, I don't need a mirror to confirm. I already know what redness and emptiness feel like in my bones.

"No, Annie. You are none of those things. He just likes to mess with you. He's wrong about you. You are...perfect. I was going to wait until later this morning to tell you, but since you are feeling so bad about yourself I want to tell you what I got you."

Wolfe wipes my tears away with his thumb and pulls me in for a hug. He sniffs my hair, and his warmth is comforting. His touch is familiar and roots me in reality that Evan's toxicity left with him a few moments ago. Then why does it still feel like he is here haunting me?

"You got me something? You didn't have to. I don't deserve it. I don't deserve you."

"Bullshit, you are worth everything to me, Annie. I won't let you push me away. I won't let you hate yourself because Evan disrespects you. Let me show you where I am taking you."

Wolfe gets out his phone and show me a photo of a cabin in the woods.

"What is this?"

"It's our two-night getaway, babe. You need a hot tub. You need to relax. I even have a massage therapist coming to the cabin to force you to relax."

I wrap my arms around Wolfe. I've seen him with women over the years, and tossing them to the side three dates later. But for him to do this, is a big deal. It's commitment. It's romantic. It's for me.

"Wolfe, I don't know what to say. You really out did yourself. Thank you. Thank you so much."

He kisses me and I let him. His lips are soft and my body is already wet for him. But my fatigue kicks in and I pull away.

"Wolfe, can we take a nap? I am so tired." Wolfe pulls me to his bed, and wraps his arms around me. We snuggle in the bed and I fall asleep in Wolfe's arms. His arms are comforting, and hold me there in that moment.

After a long three hour nap we stir. It's ten in the morning, and we pack and get ready to head to our forest cabin. I've always wanted to stay at a cabin in the mountains. Evan always talked about taking me. He talked about a lot of things. He talked about talking. But Wolfe has actually done something about it.

We pack lightly and get on Wolfe's motorcycle. The wind flies in our hair. There is freedom on a motorcycle. Freedom that only those who have been on one understand. Evan doesn't know I've been on one. I suppose he'll never find out. Evan doesn't need to know about things I enjoy. He'd comment me to death, and make it look like advice.

The road twists and turns as my ears pop. Wolfe takes us through the mountains. We drive for two hours, and finally, we get to the cabin. It's a modest size, but it has a hot tub and no Evan. We get off the motorcycle to inspect our two-day home. I am officially in a relationship with Wolfe. This isn't a fling, this isn't a dream. I have a fiance and a boyfriend, and I thinking I am falling for Wolfe.

"What do you think, Annie? I hope you like it. This is all for you, of course. I just want you to be happy. That's all I've ever wanted."

I decide to jump on Wolfe. I wrap my arms and legs around his waist. I kiss him and he kisses me back. He walks us into the cabin and we head to the couch. We start touching each other, and then his stomach growls loudly.

"Time for lunch, babe. Let's unpack and settle in. Then we can relax and do whatever you want."

I've never had anyone let me do whatever I want before. Maybe when I was a kid, but not as an adult. Is doing what I want allowed? Is eating, sleeping, and watching my favorite movies truly allowed? If he was Evan it would never be allowed, but because it's Wolfe I am not invisible after all. I help Wolfe unpack and no matter what happens between us I will let myself relax.

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