Chapter 4: Awkward Dinner (Bethany's POV)

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My arm throbs under my sweater as we head off on the double date which shouldn't be a double date at all. But who am I to tell Evan what to do? He thinks he's a silver back male gorilla and can assert his dominance where he likes and how he wants. He's an animal when it comes to throwing temper tantrums. His basic animal instinct kick in and he's ready for war. I've seen Evan fight other men, but never has he turned on me. Not until today, he's testing fate now. He's on borrowed time if he thinks I'm going to marry him with a mark on my forearm.

The life I'm living is a complete trap. I'm a mouse and Evan's the cat. I don't want to think of my fiance this way but how am I supposed to move forward? I can't force myself to live a life that's a complete hell hole. Evan is smart, he knows I rely on him to provide for me. He pays the bills and I get to pursue my writing career and write articles about dog food and baby products, win win! Everyone tells me how lucky I am to have Evan and how amazing he is. But lately I've been doubting my own senses and happiness in the whole thing.

"Bethany, did you hear what Tiffany asked you?"

Tammy? Tammy who? Oh yeah... Malcolm's lastest slut model of the week. She'll last two or three dates and I'm over it. Screw Evan for making me do this double date shit for his old college roommate. If he heard what Wolfe said to me earlier he would never let me go on a double date with Wolfe and his sluts ever again.

But then the horrible side of me kicks in and I realize I secretly enjoy eye fucking Malcolm.

"Bethany? Are you there? Where are you?" Evan yells at me and shakes me slightly. It's not his fault I've decided to tune them all out. It is his fault though for not giving me the one on one date I've needed the last eighteen-fucking-months.

"Sorry I don't feel well I guess. I have 'no one listens to my needs-itis.' Better get vaccinated. Excuse me."

Wolfe comes back from using the restroom. Our eyes meet and his stupid black beard frames his jaws in ways that make my knees buckle and the earth beneath my feet tremble. It's so unfair that my physical reactions have to be present. His eyes twinkle and our eyes are still locked. I know we are checking each other out and Evan is still to mad and bastard to notice.

"You aren't going anywhere. I don't know who you think you are but if you still want that one on one date you'd better sit your ass down," Evan whispers in his ear. Wolfe looks at me and my stomach churns from Wolfe's sexy smirk and cringes at Evan's brutal words. What the hell is the universe trying to tell me? What the hell does the universe want with me?

"I'm sorry, Evan. I'm just lost in my thoughts. I can't help it. I can't help any of it. I had a shitty day at work and it made me tired. I have deadlines stuck in my head. My to-do list is a mile long and I'm emotionally exhausted."

I'll say anything to make Evan stop his whispering demands in my ear. He really is being an ass right now.

I continue to get up and Wolfe stands up to join me. It's suspicious but I could careless, I need to leave and I need to leave now.

"Let me take her outside, Evan. It is hot in this restaurant and I could sure use a smoke." Wolfe gets out his pack of cigarettes and shows Evan his lighter. It's enough to convince Evan. Wolfe's date hasn't shown up yet, it's not like a stud like him to be stood up.

"Why are you with me anyway, Wolfe? It's not like you care. You knew I wanted a solo date with Evan and you can't even give us that." It's cold outside, and the chilly air makes my goosebumps rise. It's still better than being stuck in that damn restaurant with Evan. I can't believe I left my sweater, it's a good thing it's dark otherwise Wolfe might notice my....

"What happened to your arm? Is that a hand print?" Wolfe asks too many questions as he continues to puff on his cig. It's dark out and I can see the light of the cig create a halo effect around his face.

"It's nothing. It's none of your business. Are you done smoking yet? Why are you here anyway? And where is your date?"

"She isn't coming if you must know. I told her not to come. Why are you interviewing me anyway? It's you who needs questioning right now, not me. Did Evan do that to you?"

"I told you I'm not discussing my personal business with you, Wolfe."

"Alright, we don't have to talk about it now. Have it your way. But at least take my jacket until we head back inside okay?"

Wolfe takes off his jacket, and as he wraps it around a ring of smoke comes into my face. The smell of cigarettes will always remind me of Wolfe. He's dangerous. But the cigarettes he smokes calm him down in ways human contact never will.

"Okay, thanks, Malcolm...I mean Wolfe."

"You can call me, Malcolm stupid."

"I'm not stupid," I try to defend myself while holding back tears. Malcolm sees things about me, that I can't admit to myself.

"You're right, you're not. And if you're wondering I asked my date to not come tonight. I knew you wanted time with just Evan. I tried to let you have your space, but he insisted on a double date. I tagged along to make sure you were alright. Turns out I was right."

Wolfe's eyes dart towards my arm indicating he is suspicious about Evan, his best friend being a total tool. I still don't know the answer to that myself.

"Right about what? You make no sense. I don't need you protecting me."

Or maybe I do?

"The truth is I also wanted to ask you something before I asked Evan. Because I already know he'll say yes. He can't say no to me on anything, he's a real push over."


Wolfe doesn't even pretend or deny that Evan is a doormat. It's common knowledge. It must be written down in the Library of Congress somewhere.

"Okay, I'll pretend I didn't hear that. What do you need to tell me anyway?" I lean into his jacket to enjoy the scent my heart secretly urns for.

"I wanted to ask you if you'd be okay with me moving in for awhile? My landlord kicked me out because I just got fired."

"You got fired? What for being a criminal?"

"No, for not having a college degree. They replaced me with some college graduate. I'm useless, Annie."

When he calls me Annie it always makes me blush. He knows it too, I can tell from the smirk on his stupid chiseled face.

"You aren't useless, Wolfe... Malcolm. You're a little lost. I'm sorry that happened to you. And I'm sorry for what I said. But if you really need a place to stay, I'll talk to Evan for you."

Wolfe takes one last puff of his cigarette and tosses it on the ground and stamps the remaining fire out with his black sneakers.

"Thanks, Annie. You always were a good one. And don't worry if I'm around I'll keep an extra eye or two on your forearms."

Is Wolfe trying to tell me something? I'm so confused, this conversation has my head spinning. I give Wolfe his jacket back and still don't know what to call him.

The rest of dinner is Wolfe discussing his situation with Evan. I just sit there and get lost in what this will mean for me. A slight crush on Wolfe is one thing, having him move in for a time and tempting my hormones is a whole other ball game. I only hope I can come out on top with respect and dignity on my shoulders.

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