Chapter 23: Cabin Romance (Bethany's POV)

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"I love you too, Malcolm Wolfe..." The words I said to Malcolm earlier repeat over and over again in my mind. It's not that I don't mean them, but saying them complicates things. When this cabin fantasy ends, we will bring our sexual secrets home with us.

It was easy to hide behind a mask before. Going on dates and kissing Malcolm behind Evan's back is one thing. But full-on having sex with our roommate is a whole other level. I didn't exactly plan on falling for Malcolm but I did. The moment he took me to Bethany Park and confessed his suicide attempt, he's all I've thought about.

As I look over at Malcolm, his arms are still wrapped around me. He's holding me tightly as if he wants to protect me even when he's sleeping. Evan's never held me like this, at least not in recent memory. I'm a forgotten artifact he dusts off on occasion to dazzle clients with. His prize antique, a collector's item he puts on display when he's ready for me.

The difference between Evan and Malcolm, is Malcolm's had to struggle to be alive. His love is real, because he knows life is ever fleeting. A life with Evan would be easier because of his money, but emotionally I would be as dead as the door nail inside like the one that old Christmas Carol novel by Charles Dickens.

I used to love that movie as a little girl. The ghosts change Scrooge's heart in the end. If Evan were escorted by ghosts what secrets would be revealed? What truths about us would be made known and brought to life? I sometimes wish such ghosts existed, they would force men like Evan to pay for the crimes they put their women through.

"Good morning, Annie." When he says 'Annie' it makes me feel like someone else. It makes me feel like I don't have to be me anymore. I don't have to be with Evan, I can be someone else's girl. I can be his.

"Why do you call me Annie?"

"Because that's how I know you're mine. Bethany is Evan's woman. Annie, the real you, is mine. And if Evan ever asks if I am in love with someone I can tell him her name is Annie. It's not a lie. It's the truth, Annie. So you'd better get used to it."

He's been calling me Annie for a while now. It used to annoy me back when I'd type articles and he'd invite himself over looking for Evan. But now he doesn't invite himself over, he just lives with us. He doesn't care about Evan so much anymore but he does care about me.

"How can you be so bold when you talk? I'll never be like that."

"Because I've learned you only live once. Why keep things a secret? Why not just say them. Why not say what you're feeling when you are feeling it? Now here's my question for you, why do you call me Wolfe? Do you do that to put distance between us?" He turns me around to face him and he looks at me with his baby brown eyes. I'm a sucker for his brown eyes staring into mine search for answers. His long flowing hair is starting to become a bonus feature.

"Yes, I do. But I guess I can't say there is need for space between us anymore."

"No, there is definitely no space between us anymore. So are you going to start calling me Malcolm in full from now on?" He pulls my body in and holds me a bit as he kisses the base of my neck. That's his signal that he wants to start back up again, and since we've crossed all borders there's no reason now to fuck all over again.

"Yeah, I can do that." He pulls me in and starts touching me in places Evan's hands have never reached, his body's never touched, and his lips have never kissed. Everything with Malcolm is new and exciting. The lust takes over and transforms into love. The lines of desire and romance blur and we fuck the fine line. The fine line is the fence we exist on, we can't be our real selves but only for a fleeting moment.

Malcolm puts himself inside of me and humps me from behind. He thrusts in and out and instructs me to be on all fours. He cups one of my breasts and kisses my neck.

"I wish I had more hands so I could touch more of you."

Evan never talks dirty to me. Sex with Evan is like counting sheep waiting for the flock to pass. Sex with Malcolm isn't a chore, it's a dance and he instructs me where to go.

Malcolm inserts himself into my core again. His full length extends inside of me as it pulsates. His cock strokes my inside and the electric shocks zoom up and down my spine like never-ending fireworks exploding in all directions. Sex makes me lightheaded. It should be against the law to be this turned on.

"Annie, oh my Annie. Say my name." I dig my nails into Malcolm and claw into muscles he's never shown me before. He's toned his body and has worked out since our date. He might not think I've noticed but I've noticed ever inch. He gives me a foot and I take a mile. I could drink him up and still be thirsty.

"Malcolm, Malcolm. More. Harder. Deeper...don't stop."

Malcolm touches my clit and goes in small circles. More fireworks make my head want to explode. I can't take the pressure that orgasms give me. My clit drips from his fingers as he puts his fingers in his mouth.

"You taste so good, Annie. I want to taste you."

Evan's never offered to eat me out. He never offers anything to me. Only ridicule and a migraine to match.

"Taste away, Malcolm." Malcolm puts his tongue inside of me and moans. His moan against my clit and his pulling on my breasts drive me insane and I can't hold it in any longer, I let go and surrender to the orgasm.

"Scream for me, Annie." He continues to suck and pull everything.

"Malcolm...don't stop. My gosh!" The grand finale breaks through and I've climaxed all over him. The bed's a mess, but it's our mess. It's evidence of the time we've had together.

"We'll always have this cabin, Annie."

As cheesy as it sounds I am glad he's attempted to quote a movie.

"Are you seriously rewriting Casablanca?" I ask.

"Yeah, so what if I am," Malcolm says as he puts his tongue back down my throat.

I kiss him back knowing that I have just cheated on Evan multiple times. For some reason, I think it will only get easier the further apart Evan and I become. He's unrecognizable enough already. Now that I've experienced Malcolm for a few days will I be able to go home a fake it? Can I pretend that none of this happened? How am supposed to eat across from Malcolm and pretend I am not in love with him? Evan will definitely notice. He'll notice the change in me and want to know the source.

That's how narcs operate they want to take all the good from their victims and suck it dry until we hate the very thing that once brought us joy. That's why I now keep my vices, interests, and joys to a minimum and enjoy them at night when Evan is away just so he won't say anything.

The next few days are a treat. They go by so quickly and I am dead inside. Being dead inside sucks, but the fantasy has ended and reality is kicking in. This cabin has our memories all over it. Our hot tub kissed, kitchen jokes, and flirting now live in that cabin and Evan will never know. But ad some point I am going to have to leave Evan that much is clear, but when and how have yet to be determined. I know Malcolm won't rush me where Evan's concerned, he knows other than the Ainsworth's offer I am homeless and so is he. But maybe we should take them up in their offer. 

We finishing packing up and I don't bring it up now. It would ruin the moment and spoil the dangerous fun we just had. We head to the motorcycle and pack up. As we head on the head, all I can think about is spending the rest of my life with Malcolm Wolfe. I can't ignore this desire and perhaps its time I broke up with Evan.

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