Chapter 8: Breakfast Interactions (Wolfe's POV)

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I wake up extra early and clean the kitchen. I've never been much of a cook. Eggs and bacon are about the only thing I know how to whip up. The eggs and bacon sizzle on the frying pan. Coffee is brewing, it's the least I can do for my housemates.

Memories of Annie sink into my head. I call her Annie because if Evan ever asks if I love someone I can truthfully say Annie and not be lying. I'm not ready to confess it as love because maybe it's not. I wouldn't be the first guy confused about their best friend's partner. She's gorgeous and Evan's too blind to notice. I regret kissing her last night, I'll never mention it again.

The eggs and bacon should help soften the blow about why I took Annie away. I have a cover story and it should be good enough for Evan. Most things are good enough for him. Any alibi should work, he's a paranoid one and the urgent care story should pass.

Annie comes out in her pajamas. Her hair in all directions. I wish it was me who got to see her this way every day. Shot maybe it is love. I've tasted her lips, and now I want more. I want her hips, I long for her hands, and I want my fingers in her hair. She doesn't look at me. I get out a cup of coffee to ease our day together.

"Annie, good morning. Here's a cup of coffee." She takes the cup from my hand and smiles. She still doesn't say a damn thing to me.

"Thanks, Wolfe. Thanks for taking me home last night, " she manages to say. I check the door and Evan isn't up yet. I wrap my arms around her frame, I know she's off-limits. I smell her hair and she doesn't push me away. She arches her back a little as if she wants something from me.

"Annie, I'm sorry I promised myself I wouldn't." I let her go, and see her engagement ring. She's not mine, but she shouldn't be Evan's either. Best friend or not that guy doesn't know how to handle women. I know I'm one to talk, but I'm in pain. It pains me that Annie isn't mine. It pains me that I feel nothing for anyone else. The other women are just there, a replacement for the real one I want.

" said you'd never ask to you know what again. I think it best if we stop this," she says while pointing back and forth between us. I know what she's trying to say. I vowed to love her from afar to myself. But now the mystery of what she tastes like is over, it was better than I ever imagined and now I want more. I crave more of Annie. I thought one kiss would cure me forever of my curiosity. But it's only made me want this woman more. I pour myself a cup of coffee. I chug it expecting it to numb me like beer, it doesn't now I'm just too damn warm on the inside.

"I know Annie, I know. I just can't...never mind. Want some eggs?" I change the subject to ease the rejection of me. I know Annie felt something last night. She felt the dynamics between us of what we could be if we didn't now both rely on Evan's job for a place to live.

"Sure, I'll take eggs. And Wolfe I'm sorry it has to be this way. For what it's worth I did enjoy Bethany Park," she whispers to me as Evan waltzes in.

"Where the hell did you two go last night? You left me with that heaving hussy. I've been permanently banned from that restaurant for life because of that woman. I hope you have an explanation, well spit it out Bethany," Evan says as he takes his hand over his head as if he is getting ready to strike her. Instead, I grab his hand and place a cup of coffee in it.

"She got sick,  Evan. So I panicked and took her to urgent care. We got her some over-the-counter meds. She's fine now. She apologized too. So relax man. Want some bacon?"

Evan eases his tension and takes the mug with his aggression. I never knew Evan was this angry person but around Bethany, he hovers like captain control freak. I moved in just in time, and it's a good thing too. Maybe my purpose here is simply to save Bethany from a life with Evan. I can help Evan find someone else later.

"Sure bacon sounds wonderful. Thanks for making breakfast, Mal."

"It's the least I could do. I wanted to say 'thank you' for taking me in. Breakfast seemed like a good way to go about it."

Bethany looks at me, and the fear on her face confirms that she's not happy with Evan.

"Well, I appreciate it. Did Bethany say thanks?"

"Yeah, in fact, she helped me surprise you with the meal," I say lying through my teeth.

"Yeah, I made the bacon," Bethany says. She recognizes my need to keep Evan's inner grizzly bear at ease. She walks over and kisses Evan on the lips. It's a quick peck, but something about it makes me angry. Jealousy instant jealousy.

A text appears on my phone as it rings loudly.

Vivan: Sorry about last night. Want to meet up tonight and get to the good part?

Vivan send me a picture of her body. A full on naked image appears on my phone. I delete it. I just can't look at it today. But loneliness consumes me as I watch Evan pinch Bethany's ass in front of me.

Me: Sure, can it be at your place?

I can't have sex in the same house as Bethany. I don't want to think about her and Evan doing it. I don't want to think about her hearing me make noises with someone else either. Maybe moving in was a mistake, a dark twisted mistake.

I'm here to help her and keep her safe from Evan. But that only works when they are engaged. My time here, this living situation has an end date. I wish the end date included me and my Annie. She'll never be my Annie, and I'll never be her Wolfe.

Vivan: Great. I'll go shopping and get something you will like. See you later.

"Have any plans tonight, Mal?" Evan asks.

"Yeah, I'm meeting up with Vivan later," I reply as Bethany's eyes dart to mine. There's longing in those eyes. But she's already rejected me. With a powerful fiance like Evan, I can't say I'd blame her.

"Have fun. Today I'm taking Bethany to all the museums I promised her." I turn and see Bethany is as surprised as I am. He never takes her on one one-on-one dates. I sense a hidden agenda behind his intentions. If he hurts her I will find out about it later.

I don't dwell on the what-ifs. I retreat from the kitchen and head to my room. The only way to forget about Annie is to move forward. Being in motion and getting drunk later will help me forget about where I am now. Who know maybe Vivan could get me to like someone else for a change. It sure beats sulking in my jealousy.

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