Chapter 29: Hit And Run (Wolfe's POV)

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I help settle Annie into Artie's house. She fell asleep in the car on our way home. I carry her inside and place her on my bed. I grab the rest of her items from the car. A large blanket is next to my bed and place it over her and turn the lights out. It's nighttime and I should go to sleep. But the adrenaline rush to act on Evan Schultz is too great.

Adrenaline has never been good for me, I usually end up getting drunk or commit a minor crime like shoplifting. But this is different, this is revenge. By the time the law kicks in Evan will have undoubtedly gotten off the hook via his endless bank accounts. What about Annie's future does he not feel responsible enough for that?

The adrenaline continues to pump and I clench my fist. Lor Ainsworth is the only one home, besides Annie and me. She stands in front of the door, she knows my body language. She's seen it, witnessed it, and lived it numerous times over the years when her brother came to my aid.

"Malcolm, I don't like that look on your face. You know Artie would want to talk with you before you do whatever it is you are about to do." She barricades the door and I know it's her house and she has every right to be where she wants on her property. But this is revenge and my mind is made up.

"Step aside, Lori. This is between Evan and me. I didn't stop him before but this ends now. That bastard has bullied her long enough. He assaulted her and now I will have my say in her justice."

I turn around and decide to let Lori continue to stand there as I make my way toward the other exits of the house. The garage door will do nicely or the back porch exit in the kitchen. Either way I will be out of here on my motorcycle soon.

"He will kill you. Evan is powerful and dangerous. Don't be reckless. Think of Bethany for goodness sakes." Her comment stops me in my tracks.

"I do think of her. This is for her. This is justice for her. I need to leave this house and teach that rich bastard a lesson," I reply with my hand on the door of the garage.

"Then do it tomorrow, Malcolm. It's late and you aren't thinking clearly. Can you be with her tonight. Sleep next to her. She needs you. She just got home from the hospital for goodness sake. Can you please wait a night? Artie returns early. Talk to him first, make a plan. But don't be stupid on her first night home."

Rational thinking starts to calm my adrenaline. I take a deep breath and consider her words. She has a point and it's worth noting. I proceed and let go on the door handle. I go toward my bedroom to where Annie is sleeping.

"Thanks, Malcolm." I nod and close the door behind me. Lori made me promise her I would be here for Annie. I decide to take a nap and allow myself one REM cycle with Annie in my arms. My clothes are awful smelling and I pry them from my body. A shower will have to wait. My bed is warm and I snuggle next to Annie. She hums beside me and says my name as her noise crinkles in her sleep. Her scent calms the rest of me down as I join her in dreamland.

I wake up at five in the morning and sneak away from both Annie and Lori. It's been decided, Evan needs to be put in his place. I won't kill him yet, but an ass-whooping is a good start. My helmet clings to my skull as I take off into the black of early morning on top of my motor cycle. The road winds and bends as I travel to Evan's house.

My thoughts are focused on hitting Evan to a pulp. A few bright lights ahead force me to stop. My eyes can't make out the sight in front of me, a man lies on the side of the road. I remember that old Bible story my grandma read to me about that nice man who helped the beaten one on the road. Why do my morals have to remember grandma and Sunday school right now?

The memory kicks in and so do my morals. Damn values at a time like this.

"Malcolm, if someone you saw on the side of the road half dead needed help would you help them?"

"Yes, I would. I promise, grandma."

The memory fades and a promise to grandma is a promise kept.

I get off my motorcycle and attempt to aid the man. His red hair is covering his face, as well as the blood.

The bright lights of the car force me to my feet as I step aside. I hear a motorcycle and realize someone is taking my motorcycle away. The car lights blind me, as I try to watch the man on the ground. The motorcycle hijacker drives into the man on the ground and stops.

The hijacker gets off the bike and removes his helmet. Evan Schultz's eyes meet mine.

"Evan what the hell are you doing here. And who is that lying there? You sick bastard. Why did you take my motorcycle?" I stand my ground and decide to listen to Evan monologue before I beat him.

"Why did you steal Bethany from me? It's not your place to steal my property from me, especially after I put a pup in her. So go back and get her and I will forget this ever happened. Don't do it or this man dies."

I don't know how Evan knows. We were discreet and Artie promised not to tell. Our whole friend group decided Evan was a prick weeks ago.

"How did you find out?" There's no use in denying it he will likely kill someone if I don't confess.

"So you did fuck her. I suspected as much. That nurse at the hospital can be very persuasive if forced the right way. She told me exactly where Annie as you call her was staying and who was aiding her. So I will ask you this one more time bring Annie to me, or this man dies. Better make it quick he doesn't have all day."

I approach the man on the ground and realize it's Artie Ainsworth. I go to Artie's aid and his blood drips everywhere all over my clothes. His eyes find mine, and he barely smiles. But it's too late Artie's gone.

"Have it your way, Wolfe. We aren't finished here yet. Oh and one more thing, I called the cops on you. I told them about a hit-and-run incident I just witnessed. I have your car keys so you'd better start running."

Evan's driver pulls the car away and drives off quickly. I hug Artie one more time and say goodbye. I start running as I hear the sirens of police cars. I've been framed and the blood on my jacket makes me look like the criminal. Well player Evan Schultz, well played. I don't know how I will ever get out of this one.

My feet hurt as I try to run away. I still have yet to process Artie's death. It doesn't add up. I bet Evan kidnapped him, it's the only way. I can't worry about that now, I just need to tell Annie that I've been framed. I need to also tell Lori that her brother is never coming home.

The sirens get louder. The police cars surround me. I put my hands in the air as a squad of police guns corner me. There's no use fighting I've been beaten this time.

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