Chapter 27: College Days (Evan's POV)

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Eight years earlier...

"Come on man, I have someone I want you to meet. She's my new girlfriend. I have to warn you though she might be shy. But once you get to know her, I promise you'll love her."

Wolfe follows me through our vast dormitory. It looks small on the outside. But what they failed to mention is that all the freshmen and sophomore doors are underground. No natural lighting in our former quarters. At least we are juniors now and get the privilege of University sunlight shining through our dorm windows.

The first two years at this stingy school have forced most of us to have vitamin D deficiency and we looked like a class on vampires when summer hit. I'm blonde and naturally my skin burns and I can't tan to save my life. I decided to give a spray tan a try but ended up looking like an orange Ummpa Loompa from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Willy Wonka would not have been proud.

"Yeah, I'll meet her. I am giving this stupid university twelve weeks to give me a reason to stay. Otherwise, I am dropping out. It will be just me and my motorcycle cruising the bars in search of the next leading lady in my life."

As we walk out of the dorms, it's hard not to be amused by Wolfe. If we had not met at university and had not become room mates we would never have become best friends. I can't imagine a world without him. He's always had my back and nothing will ever come between us. Not now or ever.

"You are such a rebel. How have you even passed your classes with an attitude like that."

"I have a tutor. My professor meets with me. We have coffee. His son is something else though and that red-headed sister of his is not bad on the eyes if I do say so myself."

"Arthur and Lori  Ainsworth you mean?"

"The very same. I wonder if Lori would consider dating me," Wolfe says as he scans the campus for his next fling.

"I doubt it. You're such a player," I reply. It's the truth. He might not like my honesty but anyone who is anyone on this campus knows the truth about Malcolm Wolfe. He might be my best friend but I still think he'll never settle down and love just one person. He loves sex too much and playing the game to ever fall in love. Romance is not his style, but it sure is mine. I want a house, children, and to be rich one day. I sure hope I can do it with Bethany Miller at my side.

"Oh here comes one now. Thin and brunette. Just the way I like them. She's kind of hot isn't she, mate?" Wolfe asks as if he's going to devour her on the campus lawn and make love to her while everyone walks on by.

"Yeah, and she just so happens to be my girlfriend. Stop drooling over her and I might introduce her and hands off, bro." I shouldn't have to tell Wolfe that she's my girlfriend but they've never met.

"Oh sorry, man. I didn't know. Yeah, like I'd ever intentionally snag a woman from you. You'd stop being my friend. That's never going to happen. I'm going to ask Lori Ainsworth out though. She's my next target." Clearly changing the subject is on his agenda and I just go with it.

"Yeah and if she says yes, I want a double date. That would be fun. Can you imagine us taking girls on dates at the same time?" I ask.

Endless dated with women for years on end. That's the life on want. I hope Bethany never grows weary of me. I hope she knows I have her best interests at heart. There are a few things that need changing, but we all have flaws. She's a little fat but a few weeks of my coaching can get rid of her baby fat. Her hair needs a new style but I can just tell her later. Her clothes are frumpy but with my guidance, we will be a force to be reckoned with.

"That would be fun. There's no way that fun would ever get old," Wolfe agrees. It sounds like he's agreeing to never ending dates.

"Let's do it then, Malcolm. Let's hold onto our youth by going on double dates ever week or every other weekend. It will be fun. We can grow old and the girlfriends we like then will become our wives. Then when we have children they can join us and those double dates will become family dinners. It's good to have a brother. I always wanted a brother but needed to go to college to find you, Malcolm. Let's never stop being friends. I mean it."

Wolfe looks at me and smiles at my proposition. It's not entirely crazy, even my own parents are still best friends with their college roommates. They go on couple vacations together and reminisce about their youth. If they can do it, why not us?

"Yeah whatever you say, man. I'm down for about anything."


What's the point of memories if they mean nothing? Why is it that Malcolm moved into Artie's when he did? Does he like him better than me now? I know Artie's richer than me, maybe he has better funds for Malcolm.

I wonder if Malcolm has met or knows who Bethany's mystery man is. If I invite him here, I am sure he would tell me out of loyalty for the closeness we once shared.

If I tried harder I am sure I could earn his trust back. I've said something or done something to drive him away. Who does Malcolm Wolfe thinks he is anyway running out on me like a date he can stand up. I won't be stood up by anyone especially some poor man who took advantage of my kindness. Or did Bethany drive him away and force him out? Maybe he hated her and I just didn't see it. I can't blame if for hating her she is rather useless. I've probably damaged her womb, it was defective before the other night and it will be defective long after.

I don't even know where Bethany ended up. I should probably care but for some reason I don't. I don't particularly care if Bethany is in this house as long as my baby is inside of her. After the way I fucked her the other night it's bound to happen. She'll come crawling back and beg me to raise my son. Of course, I will raise him and mold him to be a carbon copy of me. I wouldn't have it any other way. Bethany wherever you are keep my baby safe, and let his greatness thrive in your womb. It's all she's good for until the next pup is put deep inside of her, by force of course. Until next time, Bethany Miller, my little baby factory. I will be waiting, always waiting with my cock at the ready.

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