"Oh look! It's my baby boy! It's been so long since we heard from you!" Edna gushed.

Jay seemed to get annoyed. "Ma, I called you two days ago."

You giggled at the couples' insistence.

"Oh well... It's not soon enough, son. When are you coming out to the junkyard? You say you are coming an-an-and you don't." Ed requested.

"Dad!" Jay glanced at the others. They noticed you, but held their tongues until Jay was done talking to his parents.

"Do we have to talk about the junkyard in front of my friends?" Jay hissed.

"He hates it when we tell people he was born in a junkyard." Edna nodded to Sensei, Nya, and the ninja behind her son. "Oh... and who are you?" She looked at Nya. "You are so cute! You are just my son's type."

"Mom!" Jay blushed in embarrassment. Kai and Cole snickered at him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Nya gave them a small smile. "I'm sure if you want, Jay can give you a tour. He worked very hard on it."

"We'd love a tour!" Ed and Edna said in sync, very happy.

Jay facepalms and groans before leading them into the Bounty.

"Y/n, where did you go after the monastery was burned down?"  Kai wondered, walking side by side to you.

"Yeah, you missed some stuff." Cole piped up.

"I got tired of your guys' attitude." you scoffed. Cole and Kai grimaced.


"It's ok, it wasn't only you. I was sad about losing my home too." you shrug, looking at the floor.

"So, where did you go?" Zane said curiously.

"Oh, I found Jay's parents' junkyard and stayed there for the night, but you won't believe what I found before that." you, Zane, Cole, and Kai were blindly following Jay, who was showing his parents the Bounty.

"Is it about the Serpentine?" 

"Yeah, it is. We can talk about it later." you and the others entered the bridge.

"And this is the bridge." Jay walks up to the periscope. "This extends into a periscope. It tells us what's going on in Ninjago."

Jay went over to the cappuccino machine. "And this... if a Serpentine's not giving us the answers we want, and we're up late-"

"A neuro apparatus to read their minds?" Ed guessed quickly.

"An audio appliance to make them talk?" Edna added.

Jay shook his head. "No, a cappuccino machine."

"Haha. Amazing. We're so proud of you." Ed pat his son on the shoulder.

You leaned on the doorframe to the bridge, watching the exchange. An itch on your arm stirred you. It was an old scar that you got at fourteen when you were attacked by a few Craglings in the Realm of Madness.

Cole walked up to Jay. "Why don't you tell them about the button?"

Jay shot him a glare and chuckled nervously. "Heh heh... it's not ready yet."

Ed was already intrigued. "Oh, what's the button?"

"He's working on a special defence system." Zane commented.

"Something every ninja headquarters needs." Kai continued.

"Oh really?" Ed stepped forward eagerly. "What does it do? Can I help?"

"No, it's okay. I don't need your help, dad. Let's just leave it alone." Jay was starting to get ticked off. "Hey, look at the time. Don't you need to get back before it gets dark? I told you, there's dangerous Serpentine out there."

Ed hesitated. "Uh, I suppose we could get back."

Cole grinned. "Edna, it was a pleasure hearing about Jay's first potty time."

You coughed into your arm, hiding a strained laugh.

"Oh, if you thought that was good, wait until you hear the story about the time I caught him kissing his pillow!" Edna said excitedly.

Jay blushed again. Cute.

"Snakes, Ma, snakes!" 

"Okay, okay, we're going. We're going." Edna turned to leave. "So you promise to come to the junkyard to visit your mother and father?"

"Yes, I promise!" Jay grumbled. Everyone went outside to see Ed and Edna off. "But only if you leave. I don't want you to get hurt. It's getting dark. Uh, your headlights are working, right?"

A bright flash imprinted in your eyelids as you shut your eyes on instinct. The headlights nearly gave you a headache.

"Heh, like 'em? I used a little extra juice." He switched the headlights off. "Yep, bye son, Couldn't be more proud."

Edna called out. "And bring Nya with you, will ya? I can see why you like her."


"Bring Y/n too! You two would be so cute together."

You facepalmed in embarrassment.

"MOmMm!" Jay's face turned red with discomfort and embarrassment.

The car drove away in the distance.

"Now that they have left, perhaps Jay can teach us The Art of Kissing Pillows." Sensei said in the silence, making everyone laugh but Jay.

"Argh." Jay huffed and stormed back to the Bounty. You played a smile on your lips as you watched the sunset.

Lloyd's POV

"It's not scary."

I'm walking through a graveyard with spooky fog. The flashlight I held barely gave me any sight.

"Um, maybe just a little." I eye the sharp trees and broken branches, "Yeah, that's it. I'm the son of the Dark Lord. I eat this stuff for breakfast." 

Something moves behind me, most likely a leaf, but I still scream. Jumpy, I look around the graveyard.

"I'm gonna make those Hypnobrai pay for betraying me." I start to hype myself up. "I have to find the Fangpyre. If there's anything a snake doesn't like, it's another snake."

I glance at the Map of Dens. "Here, by the mutated tree. I found it! Soon, the Serpentine will know who their master is, and it will be I, Lloyd Garmadon!" I let out an evil laugh. Thunder cracked above me, and I leapt in fear at the sudden noise. "AHH!"

I shook my head and the tomb opened. A large red snake with two heads emerged, holding a staff with a red gem in the middle.

"And who.."

"...may I say releasssed us..."

"...from our captivity?"

I stood up, still staring at the Fangpyre general. "Uh... Lloyd? I released you to make the Hypnobrai pay for betraying me."

"The Hypnobrai?" the left head of the snake said.

"Those hypnotising deceivers!" the second head added.

"It'll be..."

"...our pleasure."

"Oh good." I felt a little more confident. "I'll lead the way. Then after that, there's some ninja I want to deal with."

"Sounds like..."

"...you know..."

"...what you want."

"But the Hypnobrai are strong."

"And we are few in numbers."

"We need..."


I gulped. "What do you have in mind?"

Fangtom hisses, and more Fangpyre appear around the graveyard. I feel a sense of pride in myself. 

Are you proud now, Dad?

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