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Days and months happily went away in Varnapuri

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Days and months happily went away in Varnapuri.
It's been already near five months since Madhav established his Administration in the land.

Everything is moving peacefully and happily with the grace of God.

Today is the Agnihotra doing for the construction of the great Shastrashala with every facilities for soldiers.
The old Shastrashala which have only little facilities,made by the Vijayashastras is destroyed and now the Agnihotra for the big wide high facilitated Shastrashala is ongoing.
After this day the Shastrashala can be used.

The priest is performing the rituals.
His students and some other saints are also present in this function.
Radha-Madhav are praying with closed eyes and adjoined hands.

After the rituals came to an end,the priest applied tilak on the king's forehead.

Vasughi and Radha who are standing close to them looked at each other with a smile.
When priest called the queen,Vasughi excitedly grabbed Radha's hand and brought her to Madhav.

Radha touched priest's feet in respect,and smiled looking at her.
Standing up,Radha moved closer towards her husband.
Pandit-ji placed his both hands on the couple's heads and closed his eyes blessing them with full heart.

When priest opened his eyes he found the couple smiling at him widely.
Once again,they together crouched down to take his blessings.
Pandit ji held them and made stand straight with a smile.
Pandit ji smiled,but it seems a sad one.

Pandit ji uttered while looking at them like he is filling them in his eyes.

Their name together from the priest's mouth sounded like the names of God.
Just like the match of Radha and Krishna,when we join them together Radhakrishna,here the name together RadhaMadhav sounds so divine.

Priest grabbed Madhav's hand and then Radha's hand.
He placed Radha's hand in Madhav's palm.
Looking at it,he sighed sadly.

Priest spoke after a couple of second.
"The pure love which should last till the end of the world. But some evil eyes have touched it.

This love will not be completed in this birth of this yours"

Silence fell onto the atmosphere.
People gathered there stared at the priest without blinking, trying to digest what he just said.

Vasughi felt like her world spinning around her,and she kept on gazing the couple and priest not knowing what's actually going on.

While, Radha-Madhav didn't even budged from their spots.
But internally,Radha felt her blood stopped flowing and her body getting cold.
She grabbed Madhav's arm without breaking her gaze on the fire in Agnikhund.

Madhav whose heartbeat almost stopped that second, looked at his wife and wrapped his arm around her waist .

Everyone turned confused but scared by the priest's words.

Radha's heart raced to beyond limit , thinking what of they will be separated and have to love apart.
She tightly grabbed Madhav's arm and closed her eyes.
Madhav kissed her head and kept his face on her head as his breathing turned a little heavy.

What is this destiny planning?
First it brought this couple together,no seperating?

Vasughi walked fastly closer towards pandit ji with frowned brows and scared face.
"What d-do you mean,Pandit ji?"
She asked stuttering,not wanting to believe things her mind and heart throws to her.

Priest looked at her and answered.
"This love have the grace of God.
It is protected by Radha-Krishn.
But pure love will be always tested.
Like how Radha-Krishn had to stay away from each other in several situations,like how Sri Rama had to leave Mata Sita in the forest,this love also bear complications.

Even Radha-Krishn are unable to do anything.
It is the examination of love.
Decision taken by destiny and fate together.
This couple have travelled soo far to hold each other,their love have been an inspiration for soo many,now the divinity of love will have to examine the bonding of this couple, tightness of the grip of their soul's knot,and depth of their love.

But remember,love never originates to last only for a birth,love want eternity.

Completion of their story is written in fate,but they have to go through the examination.
They will have to stay away from each other's embrace, but it's only physically.
Love is spiritual,it can never go away from other.

In the other births,this love will certainly complete.
Or we can say there will be an incarnation of them for the completion of love."

Tears flowed down from Vasughi's eyes.
Her heart feels heavy not knowing how will the seperation happen,why there is a need for this,in which way they will be separated.
Their love and happiness while being together always filled Vasughi's heart.
Now everything is turning upside down.
The destiny is trying to snatch happiness of a kingdom,not just love of a couple.

This is very unexpected.
Radha waited soo much for the acceptance of Madhav of his love for her.
Then they together waited for being together.
Madhav even won a kingdom for not making his princess adjust in poverty and to live like a queen.

Now after everything,what is happening?
Is this why they say love is always complicated.

"Love is always beautiful,but never the destiny"
Priest uttered while gazing the couple with moistened eyes and a sad smile.
The priest is like a relative and family member for Madhav and family as this priest hve been doing the rituals of functions in Varnapuri from starting and Madhav know his since young as he used to come to do pujas and performing rituals in Vaasantha.
So both Radha and Madhav are dearest for priest .

Grabbing every attention,Radha spoke.
"If the births can't demand the end of our love,then even the death will not b able to seperate RadhaMadhavam.
This bodies and breath we take is not necessary for our love to live. There is Radha in Madhav and Madhav in Radha.

There's Radha's name written in Madhav's each beat of heart and there is Madhav's name scripted in each breath I take.

Maybe we will be seperated physically,but we will still live eternally.
There is no possibility of seperation in our love.
Because we're not two.
We're one soul with two bodies."


Do vote and comment everyone ♥️✨

Sorry,I wasn't able to update as I was suffering from fever.

जय राधामाधवम🦚🧡

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