fluff- 13

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I'm laying sideways on our bed scrolling through my phone when the bathroom door opens and Zahir comes out only wearing grey sweatpants with his wet hair curled slightly on his forehead.

He pushes his hair back and looks at me with his tired eyes.

My poor baby seems exhausted. So I quickly turn off my phone and put it on the side table then proceed to open my arms for him.

He walks to the bed directly hugging me and resting his head on my chest.

I run my fingers through his hair causing him to nuzzle his face more into my chest.

Realising this is one of those days I give him a kiss on his forehead and whisper an "i love you".

He gives me a kiss on my chest and whispers an "i love you too".

I continue running my fingers through his hair, giving the occasional forehead kiss, and rubbing his back while he lays on top of me until he falls asleep.

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