fluff- 7

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I noticed that nathan looks a little off today and i'm worried since I haven't seen him at all yesterday.

He went to get some chips and chocolates for our movie night which I decided we should have hoping to make him feel better.

"i'm back!" I hear the front door lock behind him.

"in the living room!" I shout back.

He sits beside me on the couch but he looks off.

"hey, you ok?" I ask him quietly.

"hm? oh yeah i'm fine" he gives me a smile that's so obviously fake it hurts.

"no you're not, tell me what's wrong" I insist.

"I SAID IT'S NOTHING" he screams so loud and now I know for sure that something is wrong because he never screams at me like that, so I decided not to scream back and instead find out what's wrong.

"do you need a hug?" I ask him.

His eyes soften immediately and he murmurs so quietly I barely hear it "yes please", so I quickly open up my arms for him.

He buries his head in my neck and then I feel tears on my skin "i'm sorry", I just hug him tighter and start running my hand through his hair hoping to calm him down.

After he calms down I ask him if he wants to talk about it but he just shakes his head so I tell him to pick a movie.

He then just lays down on me with his head on my chest and we watch the movie with me still running my fingers through his hair.

Suddenly he says "i- i had a nightmare".

I stop running my fingers through his hair and look down at him.

"no please continue" he says as he takes my hand and puts it back on his hair.

"ok" I say quietly and get back to it.

He takes a moment and then says "you left me, and you know how real these nightmares seem to me since him, i was scared that if i said something that you'd leave me".

I kiss his forehead and say "i know. i'm sorry, i'd never leave you ok? ever. i love you, just come talk to me whenever this happens alright love?"

"yeah ok, i just get them from time to time on the days i don't sleep with you" he says.

"well then move in" I say enthusiastically.

"wait- are you serious?" he questions.

"yes nate i love you and it would be great if you could move in, only if you want of course" I make sure to give him the choice.

"if i want? are you crazy?? of course i want to move in" he looks at me like i've grown a second head for thinking he won't want to move in.

"it's settled then, we'll go to your house tomorrow and pack your things" i'm really excited about nate moving in because now i'll get to see him everyday and cuddle with him all night.

He lifts his head a little and pecks my lips "i love you" he murmurs against my lips.

"and i love you" I say before kissing him again.

After that we just finish watching our movie and end up asleep on the couch.

fluff scenesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon