Spooderman Cross x Venom Noot Noot

Start from the beginning

"On my way." Cross communicated through his com. By the sound of it, a few of his teammates were already there.

"You're getting slow Cross." Geno said. He was the director of the whole superhero operation. He is a master spy, much like Blue.

"Yeah, yeah. What about Outer?" Cross rolled his eyes, smiling underneath his suit. Eventually, Cross made it to the site.

"Well, considering I was at my house, it might take a while. Especially considering my house is couple billions of lightyears away." Outer said sarcastically. Cross knew he arrived on earth before he even said it though, seeing the giant ass fucking alienate beam vomiting down from the heavens.

"Why aren't you here Mono?" Fell said with a snarl.

"Fuckin hypocrite. I can tell you're not even there either considering you haven't transformed into that dog yet." Cross argued.

"It's not a fuckin-"

"Boys. Focus. Please. There's a reason why we're all going." Ink said sternly.

"Well, actually I believe it's nothing you can't handle. But- I believe we might be able to find their rival." Geno explained- making more questions for Cross.

"What?" Said Skeleton asked, perching himself on the top of a building to observe the scene.

"Well, each one of us has a matched villain that we correspond to power with. For example, Y'know whenever there's an instance when Terminal Target attacks we usually call out Dream, yes?" Geno asked. Cross hummed, looking down at the fight scene trying to find a good time to jump in. The villain they were fighting was one he hasn't seen before. The villain used elevating themself as a strategy. He had 4 long tendril protruding from his back, the same goopy dark material they were made of covering the rest of his body, seemingly his clothes as well. His tendrils lashed out at his teammates, most of them easily dodging- however none getting close enough to land a hit. Outer had the only long distance attacks, but the tendrils on the villain's back shielded him. He gave a deep cackle. His voice seemed to be dignified by pure magic, booming off of the buildings. Cross would have found the voice intriguing if not for the fact he was supposed to beat the guy's ass right about now.

"Well, that's because he has a shield and can deflect the knives the Term throws." Geno explained.

"Oh so like Fell and Sci, Ink and Error? What's yours? Or do you not have one because you're just the man in the chair?" The young hero asked.

"Well. Not really? I'm the one that pairs them up strictly for success rates after all. Plus, I usually capture my villains first try without anyone seeing me, unlike you guys." A collection of 'hey!'s were heard through the call along with the clashing of weapons. Geno continued, "If I had to guess, my match might be the head of the villain organization... but I don't really know who he is, I would guess he doesn't know who I am either."

"Huh." The Spider-like hero shrugged. Just as his conversation finished, Cross noticed one of the tendrils aiming at Blue, he was tending to a civilian, they were too nervous to move. Cross jumped in, his small form allowing him to swing around the tendril, wrapping it in his web. He attached it to a building, the villain seemingly not noticing until after the Oreo was out of view. The villain looked around in suspicion, trying to locate the hero. When he couldn't find him, he chuckled darkly and scoffed.

"Coward." He mocked, doing a quick scan of his surroundings once more before turning back to the rest of the team.

Cross was behind the guy. He was just standing there, moving every time the villain wanted to scan the area. The other hero's mouths twitched. The villain thought he was in the clear and was about to attack again, when Cross jumped out from behind him, one by one, snatching up the tendrils in a tie, he swung around the monster, using the monster's own tendrils to trap the villain. They whipped around wildly, one even nicking Cross's leg. Nothing major. His spider DNA power shit would heal it later.

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