"You can't do that! Thats illegal." Part 3

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Geno awoke to a blinding light in his face making his eyes water slightly.

"It's too fucking early for this shit." He was tied to a chair with what he assumed to be Error's strings.

"Sorry we had to cut your nap short hun." Geno saw 'Death' and Error looming over him. The tar pit was no where to be seen.

"Oh- right- shit...". Geno grumbled, leaning back in the chair. Error glared at Reaper, he about to hit him with his slipper.

"So... who do you work for?" Reaper asked, ignoring the glare and leaning over him with his hand on the chair.

"Well, it's not like I'm wearing a police uniform or anything." Geno rolled his eyes.

"No wonder, cause you are giving me a 'fine'." Reaper smirked, leaning closer to Geno.

"Stop hitting on my brother." Error deadpanned, having identical feelings to Geno, pulling him away with his strings.

"Aww... c'mon E. He can touch me without dying." Reaper pleaded.

"And I don't give two shits. Out." Without waiting for a response, Error grabbed Reaper with his strings and dragged him out the door. He came back in shortly and let Geno free from the chair. He stood up and stretched.

"So... why am I here again?" Geno asked. Error sighed.

"Well for one, you know exactly who I am, all my weaknesses and can give a very detailed description." Geno nodded in agreement.

"And for two- well. Just come here big bro." Error hugged Geno who hugged back. (Obvi)

"You have no idea how much I missed you." Geno smiled.

"I missed you too." They stayed like that for about a minute before Error continued his interrogation.

"So, why'd you become a cop of all things? I expected you to become a boring lifeless member of society in an office job. Hell. Why can Reaper touch you?"

"When you ran away after the 'incident' I wanted to find you- and when I got rid of that kid, I thought I might actually make a difference." Geno sat back down in the chair, observing the magic suppressing cuffs.

"Aren't these banned from this state?" Geno asked. Error shrugged. He didn't know. Or care.

"So like- what do I do here?" Error shrugged in response again. Geno grabbed his old 3DS.

"How the fuck-"

"Video game logic." And he began playing Mario 3D.

"Oh shit. I haven't seen one of those in ages." Reaper reappeared in the room, now changed out of his prisoner outfit. He had tuxedo pants and the over coat was tied around his waist. Geno's nose crinkled in disgust.

"Why the fuck would you do that to fine silk?" Geno asked, looking up from his game. Reaper looked down at his clothing and shrugged smugly.

"AH SHIT! Error, your asshole made me get unalived by a Goomba!" Geno groaned.

"I thought I told you to leave." Error glared.

"I did."


"So, aren't you guys supposed to be trained in case anything like this happens?" Reaper asked, 'nonchalantly' putting his head on top of Geno's.

"We're mostly trained to save people who this happened to.... And none of the specific situations we're trained for have happened yet." Geno shrugged.

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