Chapter 2.6: Exam Stress

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In Classroom,

As Y/n entered the classroom, she noticed the tense atmosphere among her classmates

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As Y/n entered the classroom, she noticed the tense atmosphere among her classmates. Everyone was stressed, except for Jake, who seemed unusually relaxed, listening to something on his headphones while playing with a Rubik's cube. And from time to time, making lame jokes. Rose and Yujin were already settled in their seats, exchanging worried glances with others in the class.

Y/n: (whispering to Rose) "What's going on? Why does everyone look so stressed?"

Rose: (sighs) "Exams in two days, remember? Everyone's freaking out about it."

Y/n: (nods) "How could I forget? My brothers didn't even leave the dining table to talk about it. But why does Jake look so carefree?"

Rose: (rolls eyes) "Don't you know Jake's always like that? He never takes exams seriously. Thinks he can charm his way through everything."

Yujin: "Yeah, it's annoying. We're all trying to focus and prepare, and he's just making jokes."

Rose: (grinning) "Seriously, Jake? You're making jokes now? We're about to face our doom in two days, and you're acting like it's a comedy show."

Jay entered the class, looking at Jake in disbelief. He kept his backpack on his desk and came to Y/n's desk.

Jay: (sighing) "Here we go again, Jake, be serious at least for now."

Jake: (whining) "Jay, I didn't expect this from you at least. And why are you stressing for this damn exam, or are you planning to take Y/n's first place in this exam?"

Jay: (sighing) "So you are saying if you are the topper you don't need to do things like revising, right? One should learn from you how to not take stress."

Jake: (smirking) "Well, Jay, my friend, stressing won't magically make us remember everything, will it? So, I just go with the flow."

Yujin: (whispering to Jay) "Is he always like this?"

Jay: (nodding) "Unfortunately, yes. He's got nerves of steel or something."

Rose: (rolling eyes) "More like a brain of steel. Nothing seems to penetrate it."

Jake: (crossing arms) "Brain of steel, huh? At least I've got a brain that knows how to stay cool under pressure. You guys act like the world is ending just because of a couple of exams."

Rose: (raising an eyebrow) "Mr. Grammar corrector, we're not saying you can't handle stress, but this is important. These exams determine our grades."

Jake: (smirking) "Grades aren't everything, Rose. Life's too short to be stressed about every little test."

Rose: (getting frustrated) "It's not about enjoying stress, Jake. It's about being responsible and taking things seriously when they matter."

Jake: (sarcastically) "Oh, pardon me, responsible one. I'll make sure to shed a tear for every mark I lose."

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