Chapter Seventy Two

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'He taught me how to love,but not how to stop'



Lily's Pov


An emotion that was very familiar to me. An emotion that had my ears ringing,my heart feeling sunken in my chest, and me having the strong urge to fall to the ground in despair.

I felt all of these things as I was led by Xander with Elisa trailing behind us through a wasteland of mud and dirt.

My hands were tied behind my back,Xander holding me from behind as he practically dragged me forward.

I knew Xavier would know I was gone by now.

I just hoped he knew that his brother was one that had taken me. A question that kept replaying in my mind,though,was why Xander was doing all of this.

Why would he go to all this trouble just so he could take me?

"What's going on in that pretty little mind of yours,precious?"Xander's taunting voice came out from behind, and I stayed silent.

Was I upset about being taken away from my mate? Yes,definitely. Was I scared? Absolutely, but I wasn't going to show it.

More than anything else, though,I was angry. I was angry because I had been stripped away from my mate. I was angry because I had worked so hard to escape my pack,to find a new home and start afresh, to find a new happiness.

I had accomplished all of those things.

Only for it all to be taken from me. Another thing I was starting to get worried about was the fact that my mark was starting to hurt because of the large distance that separated me and Xavier.

Xander started to get frustrated by my silence as he quickly turned me around to face him, his hands roughly pulling my chin up to face him.

"Becoming a bit rebellious, are we?"Xander chuckled,a double meaning behind his laugh.

"Well, don't worry, precious, because as soon as we get back to our pack, I'll have fun putting you in your place,"he growled, excitement in his tone.

"That will never be my pack ,"I snapped.

With my anger rising by the second, I had no control over what I did next. I kicked Xander as hard as I could in his balls,making him collapse to the ground in pain.

I started to run off in a different direction,my legs pumping me forward, I was about to run further when I heard Xander's voice.

"Take one more step, and I will slit her throat,"Xander yelled, and I saw him holding Elisa with one of his claws elongated, lingering directly over my best friend's neck

I completely forgot about Elisa.

I was so caught up in escaping that I forgot that my best friend needed me. She was in the same situation as I was. She also had another life growing in her stomach, and I would never forgive myself if something happened to her or her child.

I took slow steps towards Xander, and he let out a satisfied smirk as I closed the distance between us.

"Good girl, "he praised, handing Elisa over to one of the warriors that he had with him.

Instead of Xander continuing to drag me along like he had done before, he held me still, as Clarissa passed him a hard wooden stick.

I heard Elisa's cry of pain as she fell to the ground unconscious as a warrior knocked her out with a small stone.

"No!"I cried out as she hit the ground, and I looked up at Xander as he held the wooden stick in his hand over my head.

"This could have been avoided if you had just listened to me,precious. But don't worry,this won't hurt that much,"he said before the wooden stick hit me hard on my head, and I too fell unconscious.

"Sleep dreams,Lily."


I woke up after a long time. My eyes blinked open constantly, and I waited for them to adjust to the dimly lit room that I was sitting in.

The first thing I noticed when I could finally focus my eyes was the fact that I was tied up,my arms and legs bound as I sat on a chair.

The room I was in was dark and dirty,I noticed the numerous cobwebs that lined most of the walls of the room.

Then I heard the scream of my best friend.

"Elisa! Elisa,where are you?! Elisa! Help! Anybody hel-"My pleads of help were answered by the door of the room swinging open to reveal none other than Xander.

"No one can hear you,precious. You're alone,nobody can help you now,not even that weak monstrous brother of mine!"Xander said triumphiantly.

"My mate is not a monster! You're the only monster here!"I yelled at him,and I was yanked forward by Xander.

"It's time for our fun to begin..."

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