Chapter Eight

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Adeline stood leaning against the car as Detective Conan and the others worked inside. She watched them bring box after box of her childhood things outside. 
Adeline leant against the police car, her mother's arm wrapped protectively around her shoulders as they watched the police that were searching their home bring out boxes of their things and load them into the police vans. 
"It's all over Adeline. I promise you. It's all over" she assured her, but it only angered her. 
"No it's not. It'll never be over" she bit, pulling away from her mother she climbed into the car and slammed the door shut behind her. 
"Addie" Jack's voice startled her out of her day dream. Her team was surrounding her, she didn't know how long they had been there watching her.
"Sorry, what?"
"We're done in the house"
"Oh okay, fine" she nodded.
"We can stay if you need some more time"
"No" she spoke quickly "This place gives me the creeps" Adeline pulled open the car door but froze when Jack's hand covered hers.
"Addie, what did you see in there?"
"Him" she admitted, her eyes on anything but him "It's always him" she slipped her hand from under his and got into the car. Jack shut the door behind her before he ran a hand over his chin.
"Everything we found will go into evidence, hopefully something in there will help us"
"She didn't tell you about the clothes. What else keeps playing over and over again in her mind when she is reminded of him?" Jack bit.
"You need to get her to talk, to you, to anyone. She might be holding back something that could help us find him" Detective Conan reminded him.
"You don't think that she knows that?" he bit back as the car door opened.
"Nothing I remember will help you find him. He wants me, that's the only thing that I'm sure of. You wait around long enough and he'll come for me. He always does" she pulled the door closed once again, ending their discussion about her. Jack and the others climbed back into the car a moment later and they began their drive back to Eleanor's house. 

For the rest of the day Adeline locked herself in her room. She couldn't bare to talk about her flashes to her past, she couldn't bare to see that painful look in her mother's eyes. She couldn't bare to hurt Jack again. He already had to listen to her nightmares in the past, she couldn't bare to drag it all up again. She wanted it all to end. 
Adeline rolled onto her back with a frustrated sigh. She had been trying for what felt like hours to get to sleep, and yet she was still awake. It felt as if her body was ordering her to stay awake to stop the monster from haunting her. But he was always going to haunt her, sleeping or awake. John Parker would always haunt her. She let out a frustrated sigh as she threw back the covers and headed out onto the landing, seeing Jack sat at the bottom of the stairs. She moved down the stairs slowly until she was leaning against the front door, facing him. 
"What are you doing up? Your dad coming after you too?" she joked. 
"I couldn't sleep surprisingly"
"Do you miss your kids? I know I miss my girls" 
"I do, but I couldn't sleep because I thinking about you" 
"I've heard that's a real problem" she teased with a smile. 
"Oh, I must be in trouble in you're using my name" she smirked. 
"Addie, I'm worried about you" his stern eyes met her playful ones. 
"Everyone is" she shrugged. He rose from his seat on the bottom step and closed the space between them. 
"Why did you come down here Addie?"
"I want- I need to forget him Jack" she moved to him, pushing his head down to hers, connecting their lips, fiercely. Jack grabbed her wrists and moved her away, holding her at arms distance.
"Addie. This is wrong-"
"I want to forget. I want you to touch me in everyway you can think of" She dropped her voice to a low whisper "I want to only remember you" she kissed him again, this time slower, before she began pulling at his belt. Jack walked her backwards, until her back hit the wall, making her gasp in pain and excitement. His mouth closing over hers once again, stopping her from commanding him to do anything that she wanted. Jack grabbed her shirt, tearing it open sending buttons flying everywhere.
"I liked that shirt" she murmured against his lips as he tore it from her shoulders.
"Shut up" he ordered, walking her towards the stairs. Adeline fell onto one of the steps and pulled Jack to her. She pulled at his shirt and he pulled it off over his head when she didn't take it off fast enough, returning to her lips again. He stood up straight looking down at her.
"Get up those stairs" he commanded but she didn't move.
"What will you do if I don't?" she smirked. He leant over her, his lips touching her ear.
"I will fuck you on these stairs until you can't walk but we both know we'll be here all night and your back won't be able to take it" he whispered. She wrapped her legs around his waist and Jack picked her up and carried her to the spare bedroom. He threw her down on the bed, standing above her.
"Take your trousers off" he ordered. Adeline ran her foot up his leg, her foot going between his legs, rubbing slightly against his crotch.
"Take them off yourself" she commanded, biting her bottom lip as she looked at him. Jack grabbed her hips, pulling her to him. He pulled them open and yanked them off her, standing over her again, taking in every inch of her. His gaze landed on the thighs, she became self conscious under his eyes, covering them with her hands.
"Don't you dare ever cover yourself whilst I'm looking at you" he pulled his belt from around his waist and pulled it tight around her wrists "Keep them there" he ordered before moving down her body, he kissed the cuts covering her upper thighs, first her left, then her right until she was squirming under him. Her belt tied hands went to the back of his head, grabbing a fistful of his hair she pulled him to where she wanted him most, and he let himself be led.
This was always how it was with them. One leading the other. Adeline leading him. Him, letting himself be dragged anyway she wanted him. 
He grabbed her panties and tugged them off as fast as he could before he returned to where she desperately wanted him. 
Every little flick of his tongue, every little touch. He knew her body like he knew himself. He could drive her to the brink of insanity and she would thank him for it. That's what Jack was to her, beautiful insanity. 
She crashed under him, letting wave after wave of pleasure make her forget the day. When she finally opened her eyes again, Jack was stood over her licking her from his lips. 
"Don't go" 
"I wasn't planning on it" he watched her sit up and unbutton his trousers before she pushed them and his boxers to the floor. He watched her pepper kisses along his stomach, dropping them lower when she heard him sigh contentedly. When he felt her grab his length, his mind caught up. 
"Addie, don't" he tucked her hair behind her ear as her eyes met his. 
"Then get on the bed" he ordered. Jack moved quickly, lying against the headboard when she climbed on top of him. She pulled her still tied belt hands over his head, the cool leather resting against his neck. 
"I could use a little help" he smirked but obliged, lining them up so that she could sink down on top of him. 
"Fuck" she bit, starting to move even though she hadn't adjusted. That wasn't what she needed, not tonight. She needed to forget. She needed to lose all control with someone that she could trust. She picked up the pace, moving her hips faster. Jack's lips against her neck wasn't enough. She needed more. She slipped her hands from under his head and gripped the metal headboard instead. 
"Fuck Adeline" he bit, gripping her hips in an attempt to make her slow down, but she didn't. He gave in trying to slow her down, instead he matched her pace, thrusting up as she thrust down. Then they were done, falling apart with the others name on their lips. 
"How was that?" he managed to get out. 
"Could've been better" she teased in a breathless laugh. 

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