Chapter Five

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"Olsen, Dyer and I were working on a drugs case. It's taken us years but now were finally making headway and we were close to finding out who was in charge of the whole ring when Sam Olsen was shot after his visit with you" Detective Conan told her.
"I didn't have him killed, we didn't even really speak" Adeline told them.
"We know you didn't have him killed but, we do believe that it was someone close to you that would've felt jealous seeing you with Sam" He told her.
"What does that mean?" Adeline asked looking between the detectives, her heart rate picking up as she waited for one of them to answer.
"We believe that it was your father"
"That bastard" Adeline muttered her fingers kneading her forehead "He's coming after me and that also means anyone he feels is keeping us apart" Adeline told them "You need to run Jack. You and your kids need to get out of here and stay far away from me" Adeline ordered.
"I'm not leaving" He told her defiantly.
"Can't you ever just listen to me!? He won't hesitate to kill you, because now, on top of being a rapist he is also the head of a drug ring!" Adeline paced around the room trying to calm herself.
"We can stop him Addie, calm down" Jack tried to assure her but he just enraged her more.
"She was married to him for years and she didn't know any of this!" Adeline shouted as she pointed at her mother "It's never going to stop. He's never going to stop coming for me" Adeline began taking panting breaths, unable to catch her breath, she grabbed at her chest trying to force herself to breathe.
"Addie, Addie. Look at me, look at me. Just breathe, slowly" Jack encouraged, pulling her to his chest when she'd finally calmed down.
"This is killing me. I can't keep doing this" She admitted.
"Take a pill" 
"I can't Jack. They make me so numb, I'm sick of being numb" she admitted.
"Then call Dr Hale. Talk to him or me, please" Jack pleaded and Adeline could see the sadness in his eyes for her. Adeline nodded before she left the room, taking her phone out of her back pocket as she left. Jack turned back to the others after the door shut behind her.
"She can't handle this. This is killing her and all were doing is promising her it'll all stop. What are you actually doing to find him?" he bit.
"He's a wanted felon and the head of a drug ring. This guy is damn near impossible to find" Detective Conan told him.
"Near impossible isn't impossible. He's going to slip up and when he does you need to find him before he can get to Addie, and soon, because she can't take much more of this" Jack told them as he himself began pacing out of anger.

Adeline lay on her bed staring up at the ceiling, her feet on the wall above the headboard, her mind blank, her body numb, yet again. Her mind kept running every possible scenario of what could happen if, or rather, when her father came for her.
"Hey. Can I join you?" Came Jack's gentle voice from the doorway. Adeline didn't answer him instead she just nodded gently, keeping her eyes on the ceiling. She felt the bed dip next to her as Jack came to lie next to her, placing his feet on the wall beside hers, he looked up at the ceiling too.
"I don't want you to get hurt" She muttered.
"I'll be careful. I promise" he assured her, reaching for her hand, he squeezed it lightly.
"Your kids need you. I don't want them to lose you. I don't want to lose you" she admitted, their eyes finally meeting. Jack reached over with his free hand and wiped away her tears.
"You're not getting rid of me that easily" he smiled making her smile back in return.
"You're probably always going to love me more than I can ever love you and I'm sorry for that" Adeline frowned.
"I don't care. I'll take what I can get" he shrugged, his lips curving upwards into a light smile.
"That might get you killed"
"You're worth the risk. You're worth it all" Jack assured her before he connected their lips slowly, tenderly, savouring every piece and moment he could have of her. Adeline's phone rang out next to her, she pulled away from Jack and picked up her phone.
"Oh my god!" Adeline jumped up in bed seeing the images of Sam Olsen and Jack leaving her home "I've been watched! He's been watching me!" Adeline shouted showing Jack the pictures that a blocked number had sent her "He's coming Jack, he won't stop until he has me even if that means hurting you" he saw her eyes begin to fill with tears and took her face in his hands.
"We'll catch him. No matter what the cost, I won't let him touch you again" his hands dropped to her shoulders before he pulled her to his chest "He won't hurt you again" 
"You can't promise me that" she muttered back, pulling herself out of his arms, she lay back on the bed turning her back to him "He always gets his way. He always gets what he wants. And what he wants is me" 

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