Chapter One

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Adeline sat frozen on the sofa, where Jack had placed her. She couldn't move, she couldn't feel. She was paralyzed with fear.
"Addie. Addie" Jack said her name as he knelt infront of her. She didn't answer, continuing to avoid his gaze in her frozen state. "I'm going to get you changed, ok?" Jack asked, waiting for a response that didn't come. He started pulling off her shoes, one by one and Abbot instantly turned away. Jack pulled her dress down to her waist, pulling her sports bra on before slipping an oversized shirt over her head, which Jack was sure was an old one of his.
"Lean on me" he told her, wrapping her arms around his neck. He moved the dress from under her, slipping it off her ankles he pulled on her joggers and a pair of socks.
"All clear Mike" he told the other man before looking back at Adeline "Addie. Addie, I need you to look at me" Jack begged. Adeline could hear the desperation in his voice and the pain that laced it. Something within her made her look at him and finally their eyes met.
"Are there any blades hidden around the house other than the knives in the kitchen?" He asked, feeling the scars on her thighs through her trousers.
"My razor is in the bathroom. I have a set of blades in the bathroom drawer too" she whispered.
"What about tablets?" He asked.
"I only have my birth control in my bag, by the door" she told him, her head falling onto his shoulder.
"It's ok. I've got you" he whispered, kissing her head above her ear.
"Why?" she said into his shoulder. Jack thought over her question as he felt tears dampening his shoulder.
"I don't know. You don't deserve this" he whispered kissing her head again "Let's get to your mother's" he told her, watching as she lifted her head, he wiped her tears away before taking her hand. Adeline tried to stand but she was shaking so much she couldn't, Jack quickly swept her up into his arms, holding her tightly against his chest.

Jack entered the house, placing Adeline onto the sofa before moving towards her mother.
"Thank you for bringing her Jack" she smiled weakly.
"I wouldn't have left her. I know how serious this is, especially for her" he said casting a glance at Adeline.
"Your the only one that's seen every piece of her. Your the only one she lets in" Eleanor agreed.
"She shut down when she heard. I don't know how to help her" he admitted.
"I never could. She never let me in. She only trusted you, Jack. All I want to do is help her and I can't- it''s killing me" she feel into a flood of tears and Jack pulled her into a hug.
"We all want to help" Pierce smiled kindly at her. The doorbell rang breaking the moment between them.
"That'll be Dr Hale. I texted him from the car" he told Eleanor who was making her way to the door.

"How long has she been like this?" Dr Hale asked Jack as he looked over her frozen state and her dried tears.
"A bit more than an hour" he told him.
"Any pills?" He asked.
"No. We were with her when she got the news, the only pills she has is her birth control" he told him.
"Adeline. Adeline. I need you to respond" Dr Hale tried but her gaze stayed fixed.
"Addie. Please talk to us" Jack said taking her hand "Addie. I know what your feeling. I've seen how much you hurt. I remember seeing you cut yourself. I know how much it hurts you, and I'm going to be with you every step of the way. I'm not going to run, I'm not going to leave you. But please, we need you to do something" Jack begged her. Adeline turned her head, meeting his sad gaze she sat up properly on the sofa, straightening her back. Adeline retied her hair and wiped her dried tears away.
"That's my girl" Jack smiled, his hand going to her cheek.
"Woman" she half smiled making him smile back.
"I want you to take these" Dr Hale said holding out a bottle of pills for her to take.
"I don't take pills. I tried once but I hated how numb it made me feel. I won't take them, I'm fine. As soon as I'm not I'll tell you. I promise. The only pills I take is my birth control" she told him and Jack.
"Addie" Jack said and the pair locked eyes, holding each others gaze.
"I promise Jack. I can't take those pills again. I can't feel that numb, not again" she told him, their gazes fixed on one another.
"Ok" he nodded, squeezing her hand lightly. Jack shot a look at Dr Hale, who nodded in silent response.
"I thought you liked pills" Came Cassandra's voice from the living room doorway "I remember the night you overdosed. I heard mom screaming. You were hunched over the toilet with Jack's fingers down your throat" Cassie remembered.
"I didn't know you were there. I thought I saw you but I also thought that I was hallucinating from the tablets" Adeline told her.
"You never thought about me. So why would you have then?" Cassie challenged.
"You were 10 Cassie. You were 6 when he went to prison. You don't know what happened in that house" Adeline challenged.
"You lied and won't admit it! That's what happened! You got our father locked up for child molesting because you wanted attention!" Cassie yelled.
"If that was for attention, then what were the tablets for? What about the therapy? Or the overdose? Or the self inflicted cuts on my thighs? What are they for Cassie?" Adeline challenged, her voice slightly rising.
"Girls please. Don't do this" Eleanor tried to end the argument but Cassandra was determined.
"It wasn't because of dad. He was a good father to us-"
"You don't know what he was like!" Adeline yelled "He fooled us all, including our mom. You don't know how many nights I watched from my door, checking to see that he wouldn't try to make you a woman too. That's what he called it. He didn't like using the word rape, but that's what it was. Night after night I lay in bed waiting for him to pull the covers back and make me his. Night after night I lay awake hoping that he wouldn't touch you too!" Adeline yelled the tears beginning to fall soundlessly "The night Jack found me on the bathroom floor was the worst night. I couldn't get the feeling of him touching me out of my mind. I could feel his breath on my ear as he whispered 'stay quiet princess, we don't want mommy to hear you becoming a woman' that's what I protected you from. That what I went through!" she yelled her tears still falling.
"Addie" Jack said going to her but she stepped out of his reach.
"I won't let myself be with Jack because I wake up some nights with the feeling of our fathers hands on me. The hands that touched my unformed breasts. The hands that covered my mouth so that you and mom could hear me crying in pain. I still feel-" Adeline turned her back to Cassie, her tears threatening to take over "I still feel everything Cassie. I hate myself everyday for allowing him to touch me. I hate that he has touched my body and that I can't forget a single piece of it. But I'm glad that he didn't touch you because living with this, not having people believe you, it kills you on the inside. What doesn't kill you on the inside, you learn to punish yourself for on the outside" Adeline said solemnly.
"I refuse to believe that he would do that to you. Our father loved us" Cassie said storming out of the house, slamming the door behind her.
"I'm so sorry, Adeline" Eleanor frowned.
"It's not your fault. Not even the judge and jury prosecuting him wanted to believe it, even with the DNA swab from the inside of my vagina" Adeline said turning to face her mother, a single tear rolling down her cheek, which was quickly wiped away.

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