Chapter Four

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Adeline walked along the hallways of the police station, as she pushed open the door for her office, it changed. She was in her bedroom, her childhood room. It looked the same from the pink walls to the books on her shelf. Adeline looked over at her bed and their she lay. The young 12 year old version of herself, with the covers pulled up to her nose.
"No" Adeline barely said.
She watched as the door opened slightly and then a bit more as her father entered the room, closing the door behind him. Young Adeline squeezed her eyes shut tightly, hoping that he would leave.
"I know your not sleeping Princess" he whispered with a toothy grin. He stood at the end of the bed and pulled the covers off her.
"No!" Adeline screamed. A second later Jack burst into the room, jumping onto the bed and pulling Adeline into his arms.
"It's okay. Your okay. He's not here. He's not going to hurt you" he whispered to her as she panted in fear.
"Mommy?" Came Hazel's voice from the doorway.
"Come here sweetie. It's okay" Adeline smiled at the girl as she eagerly climbed onto the bed and into Adeline's arms.
"Did you have a nightmare?"
"Yes, yes I did. But it's all over now"
"You can have my night light, it protects you from the monsters" her little voice broke Adeline's heart.
"Only monsters can stop other monsters" she muttered.

When Adeline finally came downstairs her mother was in the kitchen cooking breakfast and her team and her kids were eating around the table.
"Morning" she muttered.
"Jack said you had a nightmare. Was it the same as it was before?" Eleanor asked.
"They're always the same. My bedroom, him" she grimaced.
"I'm sorry" she muttered.
"It's not your fault, you didn't know he was- that he liked children" Adeline cut herself off, remembering that Hazel was in the room.
"Hazel, let's get dressed for school" Alexis encouraged. Hazel got up from the table and disappeared upstairs, Alexis went to follow but Adeline caught her.
"Thank you"
"I love you mom. You don't have to do this alone" she smiled, kissing her cheek before following after Hazel.
"She's right you know" Jack told her.
"My father raped me, night after night. Every time I close my eyes I see him lying on top of me, I can still remember the feel of his hands. Every time I look at my own body I'm reminded of him. All of you can be here for me but none of you know what happened when the lights went out" She told them. Eleanor threw the pan into the sink, the clatter echoing throughout the room.
"Mom?" Adeline moved to her mother, holding her.
"I'm sorry. Even the night I saw him, I stood outside and watched and waited. I froze and let you get hurt by that man another time" she cried.
"You didn't know, when you met him he was good-"
"He was never good. He hid his evil behind a facade" She shouted in anger through tears "And now all I have is two daughters that never speak, one who doesn't believe and the other who's broken who has the eyes of the man that hurt her" she cried harder, her head falling onto Adeline's chest.
"I may have his eyes but we're nothing alike. He put me through hell and called it love. I never want to hurt anyone, let alone the people I love the most" Adeline frowned deeply, her eyes finding Jack's across the room.
"Mom were going to be late for school" Hazel bounded into the room with a smile.
"Then let's go baby" Adeline smiled moving away from her mother, let her wipe her eyes.
"Is granny okay?" Hazel whispered.
"She's fine. She just wants everyone to be okay" she smiled.
"We're fine granny. We're strong women" Hazel smiled.
"Yes you are" Eleanor smiled looking at Adeline "You all are" she smiled at her daughter.
"Come on, if were late again your teachers going to give me detention" Adeline joked making Hazel light up with joy.
"She can't do that your a grown up" Hazel laughed as Adeline led her and Alexis out to the car.

Jack dried the dishes as Eleanor washed them and handed them to him.
"How is she really? I know she talks more to you. Well to you all really. She keeps things back because she doesn't want to hurt me but I need to know what's going on with her now" Eleanor told them.
"You want the truth?" Jack asked and Eleanor nodded somewhat aprehensively "She needs sex, she thinks that screwing someone who she can use instead of someone that will use her will help her to forget but, she just ends up hurting more than she did before"
"You let her use you" Eleanor nodded.
"I love her" Jack admitted his eyes falling to the floor "I used to lie next to her and listen to her cry in her sleep and beg him to stop, I was there when she took a handful of pills, and I walked away and let her have our baby all alone" he muttered sadly.
"I hadn't told her Jack. I hadn't seen her in 10 years" came Adeline's small voice from the doorway.
"I have another grandchild?" Eleanor asked.
"You did for a while. She was a girl and she was beautiful. I called her Maddie and when she died she saved 14 other babies that woudln't have become children without her sacrifce" Adeline admitted wiping away a stray tear "Jack was right though, I use people and I can't ever face the consequences afterwards" Adeline shrugged.
"That's not what I meant and you know it" Jack sighed.
"You might as well of told my mom that I fucked you on her couch because I needed to forget what his hands felt like and that I would rather imagine yours than his" Adeline admitted "And Dr Hale said it could actually work for me so that I learn to associate sex with love rather than hate" she told them. The ringing of the doorbell interrupted their moment before anyone could argue with her.
"I'll get it" Eleanor told them, disappearing off into the house before she returned a few moments later with two detectives.
"Detective Conan, Detective Dyer, can I help you?" Adeline asked.
"This is about Sam Olsen-"
"If your here to slut shame me again for sleeping with a man I didn't even know was married then please don't bother" Adeline sighed folding her arms over her chest.
"Adeline Thompson!" Eleanor gasped in suprise.
"No I'm not here to shame you. I'm actually here for your help" He told her.

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