Chapter 2 - The Fall of Beacon; part 2

Start from the beginning


The story causes Ruby and the twins to laugh about it in the present for several seconds. The twins are still smiling but then they decided to get serious.

Penny: Ruby, there's something my brother and I've been wanting to talk to you about.

She glances over at her teammate before leaning in and whispering to Ruby.

Penny: We both want to stay at Beacon.

Ruby is having a look of troubled by the news.

Ruby: Guys, they'll never let you both do that.

Penn frowns but then grins with mischief along with his sister.

Penn: We know, but I have a plan.

Ciel walks back up to Penny side and pointing to her watch.

Ciel: It's been precisely one minute, ma'am, sir.

Penny: We'll talk to you more soon, Ruby.

The three Atlesians leave, but the twins turns to give away a farewell to Ruby, who does the same.

Port: Our next match will begin in 15 minutes!

Ruby is suddenly looking really excited as she claps her hands together.

Ruby: Oh my gosh, that's right! It's time for-


Yang and Weiss are both in the center of the field, Yang stretching out her arms.

Yang: Well, now it's our turn!

Weiss: Just remember to keep proper form.

Yang chuckles.

Yang: Alright.

Her tone suddenly shifts to talk strategy.

Yang: You're from Atlas. What could we expect?

Weiss: Well, seeing as their kingdom, Academy at armed forces are all merged as one, I think we can expect strict, militant fighters with advanced technology and carefully rehearsed strategies.

Weiss listed off the facts as Yang loosens up her legs as well.

At that very moment, are rainbow zooms past the two surprised huntresses-in-training, coming to a stop opposite them, revealing Neon and Flynt. Weiss recovered from her shock faster than the open-mouthed Yang.

Weiss: ...Or whatever they are.

Flynt: Hey!

Weiss looks over to Flynt as he gestures to her, smiling.

Flynt: You, Weiss Schnee, right? The heiress.

Weiss bows her head, smiling at the recognition.

Weiss: I am.

Flynt: I take it you're pretty good with dust, then?

Weiss shrugged humbly.

Weiss: I do my best.

Flynt: Yeah, my dad was good too. Owned a little dust shop of his own.

Nods his head, eyes hidden behind his shades, until his smile turns into a scowl, tone turning hostile.

Flynt: Till your father's company ran him out of business. At least, the Siren family helped my dad back up to get back the dust shop and offers him to work with them and your dad's company will never ran him out of business ever again, which he accepts the offer as he is very grateful to them and so am I.

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