48 A Blue Sky And Warm Sunshine

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By the time Yuji was completely healed(both physically and mentally) summer was just around the corner. Yuji left the hospital with Satoru clinging onto his arm, much to Sukuna's annoyance. His brother kept prying Satoru off of him but Satoru just latches onto Yuji all over again

The first thing Yuji did after his release from the hospital was ask about Junpei. Nobody at first wanted to talk about the boy responsible for Yuji's kidnapping, especially Satoru and Sukuna. Satoru was especially pissed off, but Yuji was adamant that he wanted to know about what happened to Junpei.

Sukuna was the one who caved and told Yuji that because he was an accomplice to Mahito, he would be charged alongside him and be locked in a juvenile detention center until he turned eighteen.

Yuji wanted to visit Junpei right away, but Satoru said "that fucker helped that stitched faced freak kidnap you and did nothing while you were being beaten up, why would you wanna see him again?"

This made Yuji think.

Why did he want to see Junpei? Was it because he had questions for Junpei that he wanted to be answered? Questions like: how could you? Why did you? If you really liked me so much why would you resort to such a horrible decision?

He blamed Mahito's influence, but it was entirely Junpei's choice. Mahito might have added fuel to the fire but Junpei was the one who ignited it.

"Because he's my friend" Yuji simply said. Satoru didn't like this response

"A real friend wouldn't do what he did" Satoru reasoned

"A real friend wouldn't abandon their friends in their time of need. I abandoned Junpei, and he fell into the wrong crowd" Yuji said with a guilty look. "You don't need to come with me, or even drive me there, I'll go on my own"

"I'll go with you" Satoru said. "No way am I gonna let you be alone with him"

Yuji also asked Megumi and Nobara to come with him visit Junpei, the two agreed, and come visiting day the four of them were at the juvenile detention center waiting for Junpei to be escorted so they could talk.

When Junpei walked out, he was hunched and had his head hanging low. He sat down in front of Yuji and the others but refused to raise his head. "Junpei, hey" Yuji started. "How've you been?"

"Shouldn't he be the one asking you that?" Satoru chided.

Junpei flinched and his shoulders began shaking. "I--I..." He whispered. "I got discharged from the hospital just a week ago" Yuji continued. "Can't say I miss the place, the food there was bland and I could barely leave my bed, I couldn't do anything besides watch TV all day" he chuckled

"I'm glad you're doing better" Junpei murmured still without looking up.

"Tell that to his face" Satoru snapped. "What's the matter? Too ashamed to face him aren't ya? Look up damn it". Yuji gave his boyfriend an annoyed look "Satoru!" He hissed

"N-no he's right, I'm too ashamed to face you" Junpei said finally raising his head. He had bags under his eyes causing Yuji to gasp. "Yuji, apologizing to you isn't and will never be enough, but I'm so so sorry for everything that happened, I let Mahito manipulate me and I didn't listen to you when you were warning me about him. I became selfish and obsessed over you when I should have been happy that you found someone who made you happy"

"Junpei" Yuji began but the boy continued

"I blamed and became angry at everyone when you started dating Gojo, none of you actually abandoned me, it was me who distanced myself from you. I'm sorry for blaming you"

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