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Wasuke was boredy staring at the clock, waiting for his grandson to come in(he had texted his grandfather he would be visiting and that he was bringing someone along)

Then, he heard foot steps and the familiar sounds of excited chatter. He smirked, knowing it was his boy. He hadn't heard his grandson excitedly talking for a while now...it felt relieving to hear it again.

"Grandpa I'm here!" Said Yuji as he bursted into the room, bouquet of flowers in his arms and a small card tucked between the flowers. Behind him was a tall boy with snow white hair and deep blue eyes. He already knew who it was, this was the famous Gojo Satoru his grandson kept yammering about.

"How's school?" Wasuke asked. Yuji smiled "great" was all he said. Gojo went to turn on the TV, searching for something that could provide as background noise

He settled for the news instead

"So this is the unofficial boyfriend?"

Yuji and Satoru stiffened and blushed at the comment. "He's not-" Yuji began. "What has Yuji been telling about me to his grandfather?" Satoru thinks, inwardly smirking. "He's not? So it's official now?" Wasuke raised a brow. "Grandpa!" Yuji buried his face in his hands

"No, I'm not" Satoru provided. Yuji peeked behind his hands, disappointed. Then Satoru said "not yet" and flashed Yuji a wink.

Yuji blushed red, and rolled his eyes. He thought Satoru was just playing along to his grandfather's teasing. It was rare for his grandfather to tease him like this. "I'm going to get something to drink" he excused, still red.

Gojo watched him leave with a huff. He chuckled, seriously Yuji was cute no matter what he did.

"By the way sir, I got you this" he planted the basket of blue flowers on the table, next to Yuji's bouquet. "I hope you get better"

"I'm never getting better" Wasuke said. Satoru scratched the back of his neck "Don't say that sir, Yuji prays for your recovery everyday, and he's always telling me what he wants to do with you once you're out of the hospital"

"The kid needs to face reality" Wasuke grumbled. "And just call me Wasuke, I don't mind"

"Wasuke-san" Satoru tried it. It felt nice, he felt comfortable. He never met his grandparents, from both sides of his family, because they died long before he was born and his parents never talked about them. Talking to Yuji's grandfather felt.....he couldn't describe it but it was pleasant to him.

"So how'd you met my grandson?"

Eagerly he started talking about how he was impressed by Yuji's optimistic outlook on everyday life, and his fighting abilities. Wasuke was amused with how animated Satoru spoke about his grandson, everything just flew out of his mouth naturally. "He's patient, hard working, and he never gets annoyed with me-- I TRIED TO ANNOY HIM to the point of insanity!" Satoru aggressively rubbed the side of his head

"But nothing worked! Like he's got the patience of a saint--either that or he was oblivious to my provocations" he said, chuckling when he remembered how he tried everything on the book to get Yuji to snap

But nothing

"In the end you just gave up" Wasuke concluded. "Yep, and I haven't been able to separate from your grandson since...he's just so magnetic"

"Magnetic, yeah that's how other people used to describe Yuji" Wasuke sighed, remembering the days when Yuji, as a child, would attract the strangest of people.

"Clearly, not much has changed" he thought, watching the white haired boy who was eyeing the door, as if expecting Yuji to come bounding in soon.

"How much do you like Yuji?" He decided to go straight to the point since, he hasn't got much time left anyway.

Satoru looked surprised, and a little embarassed. "A lot" he mumbled.

This wasn't like him! Gojo Satoru never mumbled, he's never nervous or embarassed or ashamed about anything! but right now he feels like he needs to prove something to the old man in the hospital bed. Like he needs to prove he's good enough for his grandson

"Define 'a lot' " Wasuke smirked.

"A lot as in I get cranky when I don't see him in the morning" he cringed at the childish term 'cranky' but really..what else could he describe it? Cranky it was. "A lot as in I miss him in the long hours we're apart" he blushed red

Wasuke was enjoying this

"I like him so much that I get possessive and jealous easily when he's smiling at someone else, or when he's too close to them. Like with Megumi or Nobara"

"He's brought those two over before, an emo and a boisterous young lady" Wasuke remembered. "He really does attract the weirdest of people"

"I like how stubborn he is and how difficult it is to change his mind once he's set his thoughts on something, he's dense but at the same time perceptive, he's reliable and kind. But sometimes I worry his kindness can be taken sdvantage of" like how Gojo tried to do in the beggining

"I like your grandson a lot Wasuke-san, I just want you to know that" Gojo said firmly.

"Yeah, I can tell you do" Wasuke won't tell him though that his grandson has been standing behind the door listening to everything since Gojo said "I like him so much that I get possesive and jealous"

No doubt the boy must be as red as a tomatoe.

Maybe by the end of this visit they'll have already communicated how they feel?

(Author: I don't like how I wrote this chapter because I was sleepy when writing this 😭😭😭)

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