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This guy is absolutely shameless!

Megumi watched Gojo eat off of the bento that was meant to be for Yuji. "Hey, save some for Itadori will ya?" He snapped.

Itadori had left for a bathroom break, and Gojo had taken advantage of his absence to stuff himself with the lunch bento Mitarashi made for the pink haired boy. "He said I could eat some if I wanted" the white haired asshole reminded

"Yeah, some, not everything" Megumi narrowed his eyes. Gojo simply shrugged, before returning to eating 'his' food.

His shades slid down his nose, his expression was way too smug. This serves to further fuel Megumi's annoyance for the guy.

"I'm back!" Yuji finally came bounding into the classroom.

Nobara temporarily removed her attention from her phone. "What took you so long?" She asks before returning her eyes to the screen.

Yuji shrugged before going to his desk. Gojo handed him back the bento, and Yuji stared at the remains. Nothing.

Megumi expected Yuji to be upset, but instead the pink haired boy laughs. "You didn't leave anything for me---you must have been really hungry senpai" he snickers, putting the bento box away.

Gojo pushed his shades up his head, revealing his impossibly blue eyes. "Yes, I ate everything, I'm sorry Yuji" although if you asked Megumi he didn't sound sorry at all

"But to be honest the food wasn't all that great really. It was terrible! So in fact I saved you the trouble of eating garbage"

The look Gojo gives Yuji is just downright flirty.




Of course! Megumi wanted to slap himself. So that's why! Why else would this guy spend all this time and energy invading Yuji's personal space, following him around like a puppy, taking the gifts Yuji's admirers give or so much as try to give him

Like the bento for example

Gojo Satoru likes Itadori Yuji

Megumi felt dumb because it took him this long to figure it out. He can see why Gojo would like him like that, though. The pink haired boy is a walking ball of sunshine and optimism, just being around him was enough to make anyone feel a sense of warmth, and he's easy on the eyes too.


Megumi smirks to himself as he watched Gojo purposely invade Yuji's personal space again.

Itadori is oblivious when it comes to flirting. So Gojo would have to outright spell it out for him

"I'll make up for eating your bento" Gojo promises

"You don't have to! I mean you did say it tasted horrible" Yuji said

"I'll make you an even better bento"

"Do you even know how to cook senpai?"

Megumi snorted. He'd bet his entire manga collection that Gojo doesn't know how to cook

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