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The next day


The chair made an annoying screeching sound as he pulled it back and sat on it backwards, leaning on it's two front legs. The four of them looked at him in confusion and surprise. He smirked.

"Yo! Itadori Yuji-kun~" he greets the pink haired boy with a friendly smile. The younger boy looked at him in surprise, but he didn't seem bothered by him at all. "Hello" he greeted back.

Junpei gulped nervously, and scooted away from the white haired male. He looked over at the annoyed looking Fushiguro Megumi and the curious Kugisaki Nobara.

Is he really the only one who feels dread with this?

Though he's never ever had a bad encounter with this guy(actually he's never encountered him at all) he's still a little skittish from all the rumors he's heard about him. After all, rumors have to start somewhere right? Even though Gojo has already cleared up the so called, misunderstanding about himself with Itadori.

"Rumors come from half truths I doubt that Gojo is someone you'd want to piss off" he thought.

"Gojo-senpai was it?" Itadori spoke.

"Yep, that's me" Gojo grinned, showing off perfect teeth.

"I'm Itadori Yuji" he introduced himself.

"Yeah, I know" Gojo said. "I came to hang out with you, Yuji-kun~ I hope you don't mind" he gave Yuji an innocent close eye smile. Junpei looked at Itadori anxiously. "Say no say no! Turn him away" he begged in his mind.

"Sure, no problem" the pink haired boy said with a smile.

Junpei looked at his other two friends. They didn't protest, though Fushiguro looks annoyed, he didn't seem that bothered about Itadori's decision.

Junpei decided to trust Itadori. After all, the guy might be oblivious, but he has great instincts. If he thinks Gojo is safe enough to hang out with, then he won't voice any complaints.


A week has passed since Gojo started spending time(following Itadori around) with the four of them.

The white haired male clung onto Itadori any chance he gets. He popped out of nowhere whenever Yuji was buying lunch or was distracted, trying to startle him. He likes snatching some of Yuji's food for himself, he joins them during breaks, and makes a show of sitting so close to Yuji that it was over bearing.

Despite this, Yuji didn't mind. At all

Whenever he shows up out of nowhere to startle him, Yuji would just laugh and ask him how he is

He never snapped at Gojo for being annoying, clingy, and overbearing.

He lets him eat off his plates sometimes

He allows him to take his food, sharing his bento with him(once the two of them ate from the same bento, earning weird looks from Megumi, Nobara and Yoshino)

Yuji always includes him to their conversations, without any effort. As if he has always been part of their little group.

At first, Gojo just thought Yuji was a pushover.

But soon, he realized that wasn't it at all. Itadori Yuji was just....being Itadori Yuji.

Once, the boy came back form the store across the school with a bag full of sweets and tossed him a few boxes of chocolates. "I always see you eating sweet stuffs senpai" Yuji had informed him. "Enjoy!"

He lends Gojo his manga volumes, sometimes they'd read it together, faces close. It was just so strange, how could this boy let him in so easily?

He kept pushing and pushing Yuji but for some reason he doesn't push back.

And then another week passed. And then another. And before he knows it a month has passed.

His original plan of sticking around for just a few short days just to see how far he can go until Yuji finally cracks, changed completely.

Blue Skies And Sunshines(GoYuu Completed)Where stories live. Discover now