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He was on his way to the grocery store one day, and Yuji decided to take the quieter route, and goes down the embankment, taking his time with it. He's been cooped up for a while, and it's a nice change to just walk aimlessly on a bright day. Though, as he looks up, he spots some clouds that spell rain, later on in the day.

Not worried about that, he checks in his pocket to see if he remembered to slip in the grocery list. It's there, to his relief. He considers buying some treats for a relaxing movie night too, but their budget is a bit tight this month, so maybe not.

Yuji can't say he's surprised when later on, as he reaches the bridge, he stumbles right into a fight. His twin might be the troublemaker, out of the two of them, but Yuji has a talent for walking into bad shit or just attracting unwanted attention all the same. He assessed the situation and counts a majority of at least ten guys surrounding somebody. One guy.

Of course.

He's used to this scenario by now, from the many fights him and his twin got into while in their middle school days, to the cliche action movies Yuji still watched.

What makes him gape though, is that he recognizes the guy.

Fushiguro sits there, the same flat stare in his eyes as he regards the group coming at him with little more than disinterest. Fushiguro, of all people, in a fight.

Yuji acts on instinct, really, the moment punches start being thrown. He rushed to Fushiguro's side, and doesn't ask any questions

"Itadori" Fushiguro says, this time looking surprised. He only glances at him for a brief second before turning his eyes back to the fight, and Yuji grins at him, feeling the excitement coursing through his veins the moment they start defending.

The noise of their brawling is almost drowned out by the cars passing above the bridge, but the smell of sweat and strain lingers in the air.

They're all wearing uniforms from a school he doesn't recognize, and they seem to be at least in their second year. Still, they're not very good fighters. They're decent though, and it takes a while for them to lose their will to fight. Two of them are particularly resilient, and they keep getting back up. Yuji watches, impressed, as Fushiguro handles them without his help.

The black haired boy is a good fighter. He's swift, and calculated, quiet and thorough. Just like in school. By the time they're all down on the ground, unable to find the will to get back up, Yuji catches the small forming of a smile so unlike Fushiguro that he blinks, wondering if he saw that right. Something tells him Fushiguro enjoyed a part of this.

"Itadori, you good?" He asks, and Yuji dusts off his pants, sharing a reassuring smile with him.

"Yeah I'm good, and you?"

Fushiguro just nods at him. They're only a little bit winded.

"Want a soda? My treat" Fushiguro says, walking ahead, and Yuji follows, getting the strange feeling of effortless camaraderie. The sun is still high, and it's not raining soon, despite the clouds. They head for the convenience store.

Fushiguro tags along while Yuji checks off his grocery list. He's got most of the things in the cart when he thinks to ask. "Uhhhh, what was all that about? If you wanna tell me"

His classmate is a private guy, and Yuji doesn't need to know, if he doesn't want to talk about it.

To his surprise, Fushiguro looks kind of embarrassed, glancing away from Yuji. He stares at two types of sodas in his hands, and some time passes before he says anything at all.

"They pissed me off, always thinking so highly of themselves. So I beat them up" He grumbles, and Yuji turns to him, catching the way his ears redden.

He can guess at what Fushiguro's hinting at. He's been there, done that, too. It's just, the look on Fushiguro's face as he says this is so funny, that Yuji snorts, involuntarily.

Fushiguro turns to him, glaring.

"Ah. Sorry, sorry. I get it, man, me too. It's just- your face, just now-"

Fushiguro still looks slightly constipated, and if possible, even more embarrassed. Yuji bursts out laughing, unable to hold it in. Fushiguro stomps off, and he follows, clutching at his stomach and heaving for breath.

"Fushi- I'm sorry, man. Wait. Wait" He chases him all the way to the cash register.

Fushiguro dumps the cans on the band, and Yuji remembers to do the same with his things.

"Seriously, dude" He says, his laughter finally subsiding. "It's cool"

"I'll wait outside" Fushiguro says in return, but he doesn't look angry as he exits the store.

Yuji finds him on a bench near the vending machines, by the shade. He sits down, and catches the soda can Fushiguro throws at him.

"Thanks" Yuji says, smiling,snapping the tab, and taking a few greedy gulps. It's wonderfully cold. He takes a few more drinks before it occurs to him.

"You probably didn't need my help, huh? Sorry if I butted in"

"I didn't" Megumi admits. "But thanks anyway" His tone is honest, and light.

Yuji laughs, pleased.

Blue Skies And Sunshines(GoYuu Completed)Where stories live. Discover now