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"Ready to go?" Visiting hours were over

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"Ready to go?" Visiting hours were over. It was time for Satoru and Yuji to head home. Yuji smiled at the white haired taller boy, "Yeah" he said. "Bye grandpa!" He bade Wasuke goodbye and the two left the hospital

"I'll walk you home" Satoru offered. "No uhh-- I'm not going home yet" Yuji said, stopping his walk. Satoru stopped beside him. "You're not?" Satoru sounded puzzled, where else was Yuji going?

"No, uhh...I was actually going to the park, and" Yuji took Satoru's hands in his. "If you're not going home yet, you and I can spend another hour together"

Satoru cheered his luck in his mind. "I wouldn't mind" he answered, delighting Yuji. Then, to add to his surprise Yuji starts running off to the direction of the park, their hands still linked together. Satoru was surprised sure but also pleased. He let himself get tugged by the pink haired boy.


"You had to start a fight, didn't you?" Megumi sighed tiredly. It has been some hours since they had separate from their senpais and currently were just enjoying some bit of quiet in a semi-empty downtown diner.

"Whatever, she insulted me first!" Nobara grumbled. Megumi wanted to point out that technically she insulted the girl first by making rude comments on her hair and the girl's friend just happened to overhear. But chose to keep his mouth shut, he was too tired to argue

What was the point of even going with them? He should have just gone home

Suddenly two familiar figures passed the window in front of them so fast Megumi wasn't sure if he saw correctly. He blinked and looked out in search of them but they were already gone

"What is it?" Nobara asked. "I thought I saw Yuji and Gojo" Megumi said.


"What's the rush?" Satoru asked as they ran past people. "Nothing! I just out of nowhere felt like running with you!" Yuji said with a beam. When they finally stopped, they were at the park

Lamp posts were already lit up because of how late it was, and some fairy lights decorated the trees. Yuji smiled, the place was perfect.

"Yuji-" Satoru began but Yuji cut him off by dragging him to a culvert. "You and grandpa hit it off pretty well" Yuji commented. "He really liked you, I think the basket did the trick"

"I think it's because he's mostly pieced together what I'm like because you talk about me so much" Satoru teased. "According to him, I'm almost all you talk about when you drop by" he leaned towards Yuji, an eyebrow raised. "Is this true Yuji-kun?" He hoped using an honorific would fluster the boy

But instead Yuji leaned forward as well, once again surprising Satoru, who leaned backwards. Yuji reached a hand and..


Flicked Satoru's nose. "Owe! What the..." Satoru glared lightly at the cheeky pinkette. "Sorry, couldn't help it" he responded before stepping back, keeping his eyes locked on Satoru. "And..yeah, I talk about you to my grandpa, I'm not ashamed or shy to admit it, senpai I brag about you to him" he reveals with a soft blush

Satoru was taken aback at Yuji's...boldness. Nevertheless he liked where this is going, his excited heart was pumping in anticipation.

But nothing else came from Yuji. He just stood there on the culvert, head slightly tilted to the side. "And?" Satoru pressed, hoping there was more.

"And he said when I talk about you, my voice gets high and I'd just go on and on and on " he chuckled. "But this probably means nothing to you senpai,  people talk about you all the time, you're adored and admired by half the population at school so I'm nothing special-"

If Yuji had a demon or something sealed inside him. It would snap at him not to play coy

"This means a lot to me" Satoru mumbled. "Huh? What was that senpai?" Yuji teasingly smiled, placing his hands behind his back. Satoru blushed red and frowned, grumbling something incoherent. "How the tables have turned" Yuji thought with a chuckle.

"Senpai" Yuji said.

"Yuji" Satoru began.

"Are you interested in me senpai?" Yuji looked stunning to Gojo. The way the lights hit his skin made him appear to be glowing, his light pink hair swaying gently by the wind. His smile was expectant and nervous....is he scared he'll say no? Ridiculous.

"Senpai, would you like to be in a relationship with me?" Yuji asks more confidently. "Because I sure as hell do, Satoru, I really like you"

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