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It would be a week after before Sukuna could meet Gojo. During which he sends some of his Curses (idiots from his school who thinks he's their precious leader or something) to watch over his brother.

Now to be clear Sukuna doesn't think Yuji is weak, and he knows he can take care of himself.

Growing up, the twins would consistently attract trouble wherever they go. Delinquents, assholes, muggers.

With that kind of everyday occurrence of course they would have picked up a thing or two about fighting.

His brother, because of who he is and his radiance, was the one to attract most of the unwanted attention. Good and bad.

Sukuna never really bothered to do anything about it. He didn't care much because his twin could handle himself.

But this time, after Yuji talked about his Gojo-senpai, boasting about how amazing and nice he is, thought to dig about the guy.

It didn't sit well to him how touchy the piece of shit was to Yuji. He'll break his arms himself after he finds him.


Sukuna is a student from a different school. He looked like a thug, sure. But he was naturally talented and would always get the top grades.

No one wanted to mess with him because of the reputation he's built up.

He didn't know when the fuck this whole 'beware Itadori Sukuna he's the king of delinquents' thing started. Maybe it all began on the first day of school when a couple of wanna be gangsters cornered him at the back of the school building while he was taking a smoke.

They spouted crap about the place being their 'territory' and that if he wanted a peaceful school year he better do as they say. Become their dog and lick their shoes.

Needless to say, that was a big mistake.

Sukuna was brutal, some even described him as bloodthirsty. The delinquents had to be sent to the hospital afterwards...

He was suspended for a week, much to Yuji's despondent "It was only the first day! How the fuck did you manage to get into a massacre on the first day?!" And he simply corrected "Massacre is a strong word little brother. The bastards attacked me, would you have preferred if I just stood there?" Well that shut his brother up.

And when he returned, everyone knew not to mess with him.

It wasn't long before rumors started to spread around him. He didn't give a shit what they talked about just as long as nobody bothered him.

Then some delinquents started following him around, doing his bidding and crap.

Next thing he knows he's their 'king' and they're his 'curses'.

Whenever his 'curses' would do something stupid under his name, he'd just let them. It wasn't his problem what they get up to and it was kind of hilarious when they'd get walloped by the consequences of their actions. The best part is despite his name being involved nothing really happens to him.

"Sukuna-sama! Sukuna-sama!"

He removed the cigarette from between his lips and blew a perfect ring circle of smoke. He glared at the guy "what?"

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