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Itadori Wasuke knows he's to blame for this. He's the one who told his grandson to get a life, get more friends and maybe even start dating. Just do something outside of visiting him every single damn day at the hospital. Spend more time with kids his age and less time cooped up in a hospital room with him.

But you can't blame an old man for missing his favorite grandson you know? After all. He's old and dying.

He misses the brat's visits, his wide grin and loud "Gramps!" Everytime he slides open the door and enters the room. Brightening up the usually gray, boring place. His other grandson, Yuji's twin, Sukuna, could never be bothered to visit him(unless Yuji drags him himself). But Wasuke and him had never had a close relationship anyway.

Yuji often came with a vase full of flowers. Sometimes a bag full of fruits that older women offered to him as appreciation gifts for something his grandson did for them.

And best of all. Stories about his day. Wasuke often acted like be didn't give a crap about his grandson's misadventures, but really, he listened with sharp attentive ears while pretending to have his focus on the TV.

Months ago, Yuji's stories for him were boring and just something you'd expect from a typical teenager. School, homework, extracurricular activities, club offers, quitting said extracurricular activities, declining club offers, making friends, ditching friends, yada yada

It never really sat well with Wasuke that Yuji spent more time at the hospital with him than with friends outside.

He used to snap "Quit wasting time with me and get some friends out there!". His grandson, Yuji, would just laugh at him. Roll his eyes, or smirk while shaking his head.

These days, Yuji's visits has become less frequent. He of course still dropped by but it wasn't as often as he used to. Nowadays it was two visits a week.

And every time, he would bring stories about his time at his new school. Jujutsu High School.

He would excitedly relay to Wasuke how his day went with his two best friends. Some kid named Megumi and another one named Nobara something-or-other. "Megumi's cool, he has a lot of dogs! He likes dogs, and he's a really great fighter--once I saw him beat up five guys all by himself, I knew he didn't need my help but my body just moved on its own--" he rambled on

"Nobara's really confident and maaaaybe a bit of an egomaniac, but she's great, she forces me to carry her shopping bags sometimes.. Okay most of the time" Yuji groaned. "Once, I almost dropped a bag, and she gave me this really scary look and she said 'if you drop one of those bags you dumbass you're dead' I was so scared I didn't drop a single thing the whole day" he narrarated.

"And Gojo Satoru-"

Ahh there's that again. Gojo Satoru.

For some reason. Yuji always says this boy's full name whenever he talks about him. And it was almost like he was rolling the name in his tongue, enjoying the way the name 'Gojo' and 'Satoru' fell out of his mouth

Whenever he would talk about this 'Gojo Satoru' it was as if nothing else mattered for him.

Literally the kid could talk the entire day about Gojo Satoru and he still wouldn't run out of things to talk about. From his eyes, his hair, the way he speaks, his mannerism, his hobbies, goals in life, and just the simplest crap like "... He wore a red Jacket today instead of the uniform, he looked handsome in it. He always looks great but today he was just-"

And as icing to the cake. His grandson would have this dazed, love sick look. It was like someone slipped something in his drink, he drank it, and then fell into a dreamlike state.

"When are you gonna bring him over?" Wasuke snapped.

Yuji finally shut up about 'Gojo Satoru' and looked at his grandfather who was lying in the hospital bed, hooked onto an IV drip. "Huh?"

"You talk about him. Every, single, damn day. I ask you to get me a cup of coffee and you'd still manage to make it all about your Gojo Satoru" he scoffed when he saw his grandson turn pink. "Bring him over, I want to meet him before I die"

"You're not gonna die" Yuji snapped, rolling his eyes. "Everything has a limit Yuji, everything dies in due time" Wasuke reminded. "I wanna meet the brat who's been making my grandson happy these past few... how long's it been? Weeks? Months?"

"If you wanna meet him so badly, I'll get him" Yuji said with a laugh. "And by the way, Satoru's been bugging me for a chance to meet you too"

"You two dating?"

"No!" Yuji was quick to deny.

"You sure? Because from the way you talk about him, and you told me he's been bugging you to meet me-"

"He's just that kind of person grandpa" Yuji was quick to say, turning red. "A weirdo, like me"

"Must explain why you get along so well" Wasuke wasn't buying his grandson's bullcrap.

Yuji just chuckled. "I'll.. uhh, call him" he pulled out his phone and left the room.

Wasuke looked out the window. Somehow his exchange with his grandson left him feeling at ease. From Yuji's recent stories from him, he can tell he doesn't have anything to worry about when he inevitably leaves his brats behind.

Though he's still got time. He really wants to meet this Gojo Satoru face to face.

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