Chapter 2

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While eating breakfast there is a knock on the door. "Y/n can you get that?" Nodding and making your way over to the door you open it, finding five boys standing on your porch. "Umm who are-, oh wait, you must be Stan!" You pull your hand from your pocket and offer it to him, "Wendy has told me so much about you." You scan the other boys, "You're Kyle, Kenny, Cartman, and Butters, yeah the girls already said a lot about you guys, all good things." Cartman cocked his head to the side and scoffed, "You hear that guys the girls are talking shit about us to this adult baby." Kyle snapped his head in Cartmans direction, "Shut up fatass."

The two boys started to bicker, so you close the door, the last thing you want is your parents to hear and think something is wrong. "Cartman shut up." Now Stan was starting to get in the middle of it. "Oh there you go again Stan sticking up for your little jew boyfriend!" Kyle was about to continue before he looked over and saw your face, you looked so frustrated. "Hey Cartman I won't say anything else if you don't." Cartman followed Kyle's gaze, "So you wanna stop because you don't want your new little girlfriend to see." Kyle just rolled his eyes and looked away from cartman.

"Do you guys fight like this all the time?" Three of the five either nodded or said yes. "I see, well is that all?" Butters spoke up before any of the others could, "Clyde is having a party this weekend, he told us like 15 minutes ago and we wanted to ask you before the girls could." You look at Butters, "A party, like a real one?" Butters nodded his head up and down excitedly. "Drinks and dancing?" Butters nodded again. "Ahhh, I'm so excited, I just love parties so much!" There is a moment of silence before you speak up.

"If you guys want you can come in?" You open the door and wave them inside. "Y/n, who are these boys?" Your mother came out of the kitchen from cleaning the breakfast dishes. "Just some boys I heard about from the girls." Your mother looks at them before whispering in your ear, "The door stays open. " She thought she was being pretty quiet but from the look on the other boys faces she clearly wasn't. "Ok mom, can you make us some snacks and bring them up?"

It has been a little over an hour since the boys have been there and all you guys have been doing is talking about video games, movies, and listening to music. It was very refreshing and nice to be able to talk to the boys without it feeling like they were gonna act weird with you. Even when Kenny would throw in a vulgar comment you didn't really mind since most of them were pretty funny and he never directed them towards you.

"You like that band though, I wouldn't have expected that." Stan stopped talking and started up again, "I don't mean it in a bad way, more just surprised." You giggle, "Yeah I get that a lot, but I love goth bands, they are my favourite." Stan thought about what he was gonna say before continuing, "I feel like you could get along with the goth kids, yeah you guys dress way differently but they are actually really good people."

"Whoa Y/n, you have a Hello Kitty island adventure too?" Butters was on your computer going through your games. Getting up from your bed you walk over and watch as he adds himself as one of your friends so you both can visit each other. "Yeah I love it, I play it almost every single day!" Butters gets up and starts to ramble on, "Oh I thought you would like those games, I saw all your Sanrio merchandise when I walked in!"

"You do have a lot of it." Kenny was laying on your bed touching all your stuffed animals you had laying about, "Your family must be rich to be able to afford all this stuff." Walking over to take your original spot on your bed you reply, "Nah he did this as an I'm sorry gift." Kyle turns his head away from your vinyls, "Sorry for what?" You sigh out, "Cheating." Their faces drop, "It's not a big deal though so don't start making those faces, you guys look stupid, it was a few years ago."

The boys stop making faces and act more normally, "So why is your mom still with him then?" Stan asks. "Me duh, I told my mom and dad to work it out for me, they don't have to be perfect husband and wife but just stay together, and they can see people on the side." Kenny perks up at this, "So they are like swingers, nice." you playfully hit him, "No they are not."

The boys spent a couple hours at your home before starting to disperse, first Butters had to leave, then Kyle, then Kenny, and Cartman. Until it was just you and Stan left. "Hey Y/n what did Wendy say about her and I's relationship?" You glance at Stan, "Just that you guys have been complicated but it always works out." Stan nods his head, "I see, I just find it weird she calls me her boyfriend still." Scrunching your brows you ask, "Why is that?"

"Because me and Wendy broke up over two months ago."

South Park x Kawaiicore!Fem!ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon