Chapter 3

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Spending almost two straight hours getting ready was so gruelling but totally worth it. Because now you look so cute in your outfit, you just hope others will think the same. Sometimes people can think the way you dress is too childish or too girly but you think it's the perfect amount.

Walking down the stairs you yell for your dad, "Can I have the keys to the car now, I'm ready!" You need to hurry up because it's already 7:35 and you promised to pick Wendy and Red up. "Yeah, just be careful and don't throw up in my car or your friends!" with that being said, you give your parents hugs before heading out into the night to pick up some of your girls.

After picking them up it only left you with 5 minutes to get to the party but Red told you how it was perfectly fine and showing up late is cool. Believing her you cruise with the girls until it's a little over 8:15 then decide to go to Clyde's.

Walking up the steps the door swings open to reveal a boy and your blonde friend Bebe. "Hey new girl, hey girls!" He was clearly intoxicated already and was overly excited for his party. The two of them move out of the way to make room for the three of you to walk in. Walking in you're met with the stench of alcohol and the loudness of music. Grabbing Wendy and Red, you tell them, "This is so awesome, I just love parties, lets go get a drink!"

You pull the girls over to the drinks and you all get one, just as you're about to talk with Wendy she gets yanked away by Stan, he looks very drunk just like Clyde at the door. Being the kind soul she is, she follows him to a corner to talk. "Hey Red-" when you turn around Red is gone, "Red, girl where are you?" You start to walk around the house looking for your new friend. She is spotted next to a boy and your new friend Kenny, chatting mindlessly about whatever. You whisper to yourself for a second before downing your drink and going to go chat with people like your friends are doing.

"Oh hey Y/n, it's great seeing you here!" Nicole's voice rings out from across the hallway, she was also holding hands with a boy with a purple sweater. "Hey Nicole, I thought you were not gonna make it?" She shrugs her shoulders, "I changed my mind since Tolkien said he would show up this time." You nod your head and hold out your hand to the boy, "I'm Y/n, nice to meet you, Nicole loves to talk about you." He smiles and nods his head "I hope only good things." Nicole slaps him gently on the arm, "Of course only good things!"

You three make your way back down stairs and separate. Silently you agree to get another drink, while on your way there you catch Wendy and Stan making out in a corner. It wasn't strange to see teens making out at a party but thinking back to what Stan said it made you wonder just what they had going on.

While being distracted you knock into someone by accident, "Omg, I'm so sorry!" You look at who you bumped into, Kyle. "It's fine Y/n, also why don't you join us?" You look over to see Bebe, Clyde, Craig, and Kyle playing beer pong. "You can switch in for me because I don't think I can handle much more." Kyle admits sheepishly. "Uh hell yeah I will, give me the ball." You lift your arm and aim it perfectly into a cup, on the opposite side of the table Criag does the same. He drinks, you drink, it lasts a few cups before there was the last one. Whoever makes it the other person has to drink both. This was your shot, lining up your arm, and aiming. It lands and cheers erupt from the people around the table. "God if i knew you were that good I would have asked you to be on my team!" Clyde drunkenly slurred his words. Craig looked like he wasn't enjoying drinking so much so you walked over and offered to take it for him, he agrees. You down another drink, it's about now that you're feeling more than tipsy.

"Hey Kyle, I think I need to sit down for a bit." Kyle gently grabs your arm and then wraps an arm around your middle. "Y/n here, come on this way, I'll go get you some water." Once Kyle left you can see Cartman in your peripheral vision making his way over to you, "Damn bitch you look awful." You glare at him, "Shut the fuck up fat boy!"

"Hey don't call me fat you stupid bimbo!" You stand up and shove Cartman a little. He does the same, you stand your ground, and grab him by the collar. "Don't touch me you-" before Cartman can finish you punch him in the jaw. Cartman lands right on his ass, this has now gotten everyone's attention. "Y/n are you alright?" Wendy came rushing over from Stan to you. "Yeah." was all you slur out before sitting back down.

"And she can fight!" Clyde was cheering for you as well as some of the others. You personally didn't think much about it but it's rare to find people that want to get on Cartman's bad side. And lord are you on the worst of it now. 

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