Chapter 8

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It was finally the weekend, which meant you could relax from all the stress of school. No having to wake up at 7 and be to school by 8, no having to do your makeup each morning and pick out the perfect outfit. You can just marinate in your room all day. 

"Y/n, You have friends at the door." You roll your eyes, this has to be a joke. This Saturday was supposed to be used for relaxation not hanging out with anybody. Still instead of ignoring your mom like you wanted to, you mad your way down the stairs. still in your pjs, still with your messy bedhead.

"Hey Y/n, Wanna help us with something." Stan asks in a nervous tone. You make your way over to the door, "Mmm let me think about it, no." As you were going to close the door Kyle speaks up, "Wait, it's super important and it's about Butters." You swing the door open, "What happed, is he alright?" Kyle rubs his neck nervously, "Well we don't really know?" 

You invite them in and tell them to sit while you go get ready. You made sure to keep it quick as to not waste too much time. After you finish you rush down stairs. "Ok let's go." As you, Kyle and Stan make it out the door you start asking questions. Kyle is the one to answer them all. 

"So Butters was kidnapped by a man in a black van, Kenny and Cartman are out of town, and well we can't ask Wendy or Craig for things like this anymore." You give him a questionably look, "You guys are friends with Craig?" Stan shakes his head, "Not after Peru." Your eyes dart to Stan, "Peru?" Kyle laughs and puts his hand on Stans shoulder, "Yeah let's not get into that."

"We need your help to find out who took him and to get him back, before 8 too because that is his parents curfew." You stop in your tracks, "Wait why couldn't you two just work this out yourselves?" Stan and Kyle both looked at you and each other before Stan speaks up, "I don't know, you are apart  of the group now so it's just what we do." You simply nod your head. 

"What about the cops?" Stan and Kyle laugh. "Yeah right what is officer Barbrady gonna do?" Kyle continues to talk, "Last time we tried getting an adult to help us out it just made things worse." You nod your head at this again not really knowing what to say. 

It seems South Park is more than some simple, little town. They have some weird shit going on all the time too.

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