Chapter 6

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You walk out to the back of the school and decide to catch your breath there. While you're pacing you spot some goth kids looking in your direction. "Get out of here you conformist!" The one with red roots shouts. "Oh shut up, you're the conformist, you wannabe goth." Gasps were heard from the others.

"Omg get out of here you lalaloopsy doll!" He got up from his spot with his arms crossed. "Wait, you think I look like a lalaloopsy doll, that's so sweet!" Your mean persona disappeared after you took in what you thought was a compliment. When in fact it is an insult. Well supposed to be, just not a very good one on Pete's part.

"Well I will take back what I said, you look pretty cool, and I love meeting people who are also into alternative fashion!" Pete and the other goths were so confused. "What are you bipolar or something?" The girl with teased hair asked. "No, I am sorry for even taking my anger out on you, kinda all of you." You touch the back of your head nervously as you walk over to them, "Cartman worked me up and I was mean to you guys when it should have been him."

"Cartman, that fat kid?" The one with curly black hair asked. "Yeah that one." You groan at the mention of his name. "Yeah you better get used to it he is like that to everyone, even his own friends." The goth boy responded once more.

"So do you all always sit out here?" Firkle decided to talk this time. "We do what we want because everything is pointless anyways." Your eyes widened a bit at the younger boy, "I see, well it was nice chatting, I will totally talk to you all again!"

Pete sighed, "Please don't we don't need a confor-, you hanging around us." He stopped with the conformist talk before you start a rebuttal again.

"I will visit, bye." With that you walk away from the goths and make your way to Garrison's class. When you arrived all you did was talk with the people around you and ignore Cartman even when he tried to speak to you once again.

The ringing of the school bell told everyone it was time to get out. And so everyone did, very quickly. While you were packing up your stuff you notice Kenny making his way over to you. "Hey Y/n, wanna hang out today, we can go ice skating, or other activities." He says with a little smirk. "Ha ha, you're so funny Kenny, yeah we can hang out, let's just go to my place."

With that you and Kenny pile into your car and make your way to your house.

While you're on your way you and Kenny chat about school, gossip about people like Cartman and even talk about hobbies you share. Both of you are really into playboy magazines but for two totally different reasons. You like how the girls model and think they deserve more respect for their work while he is just a teen boy with hormones.

After you arrive at your home you both go up to your room to continue the hangout. For what feels like hours you both were laughing and having a lot of fun in each other's company. "And Cartman he made a kid eat his own parents that were cooked in some chili." You looked at him shocked, "God he really is a monster!" Kenny laughed and waved you off.

"He can be but sometimes he can be a really good friend, you just got to get to know him better, maybe hang out with him sometime." You give Kenny a dead panned expression. "Me, hang out with Cartman, the guy who called me a whore, no thanks."

"He didn't mean it, he is just territorial with his friends, or maybe he likes you." Kenny starts to make little kissy sounds at you.

"Ugh as if, It's Cartman he is the worst."

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