New Routine

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The next day, Kibe would be at the local police station. There his entire life would be put in on file and paper. Mr.Nakayama would be in his office with Mr.Miyuki walking back and forth.

"Can I just say this is the dumbest idea you've had yet?" He said, Mr.Nakayama stopped writting and put his pen down.

"Even more dumb than the time I caught that serial killer entirely based around the evidence; surrounding a sex store and 3 prostitutes?" Mr.Nakayama said

"...Ok maybe not that dumb, but still! We're letting our suspect run around the bureau like he's a kid during christmas. This could have unforseen consequences Nakayama. I don't want that for you." Mr.Miyuki said as he leaned over his desk.

"Its my call, sorry Miyuki. There's nothing else to say. How is he right now?" Mr.Nakayama asked as he kept writting on the paper. Mr.Miyuki put his hands on his waist as he sat down in one of Mr.Nakayama's chairs.

"Hes doing great. No criminal record. Funny. Passed the physicals, got really good scores on them to be honest. He has excellent memory, we took him in a room cluttered with over about 1,000 objects. Asked him to memorize them and then took him out." Mr.Miyuki said

"...And?" Mr.Nakayama asked

"Well we took him out for 2 hours, in that time he did some more testing. Had him read the laws, rules and regulations of Japan and neighboring countries twice and then had him sit in another room.

In that room we had set up 13 officers, had loud music playing and they all were doing something different and distracting. Afterwards we had him moved back to that same room.

Nakayama he named them all, every single one. Including the new 5 we had put there among them. Hes a genius." Mr.Miyuki said

"Impressive, so how were his written exams?" Mr.Nakayama asked he got to writting some more.

"...He didn't take them." Mr.Miyuki answered

"What?" Mr.Nakayama said

"Yea, he said he found them uhhh. Stupid or something. Used some big word. Doesn't matter, he didn't take them." Mr.Miyuki said

"Ok, so what did you do about that?" Mr.Nakayama asked

"Well we quizzed him, had a guy working on the PSIA tests come in. He knows all information about what it takes to work here, every corner of knowledge and every nugget of information. He asked Kibe multiple questions from each phase, Logic-based Reasoning, Figural Reasoning, Personality Assessment, Preferences and Interests, and Situational Judgment.

Each one having multiple phases that got harder, all the way up until level 10. Meaning terrorist level. The guy, Suo. Tested Kibe, and your not going to believe this but-"

"He passed." Mr.Nakayama said to Mr.Miyuki's suprise.

"How did you know that?" Mr.Miyuki asked

"Newton's law. Kid is a living computer, no, better. He is clearly beyond education. Whatever he is, we don't have a category for it yet." Mr.Nakayama said, Mr.Miyuki shrugged as he walked around the room.

"So, whats the plan now? You can't still be thinking this is all a good idea, right?" Mr.Miyuki asked

"Of course I do. Now give him what he needs. I don't intend to have him go through any real training. I have a feeling he's smart enough to run the PSIA itself, especially from the information we have so far now. His background?" Mr.Nakayama asked

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