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In an unknown location, Kiko was in a room, typing on a laptop. She was sitting on a cushion. The room she was in had many stuffed animals in them, the carpet was red and fluffy. On her desk next to her was a bowl of cereal with no milk. She put her hand in it and grabbed one small piece if the cereal. She ate it and then drank a glass of milk. Her thoughts going to the farthest reaches of her mind.

"I can't believe your back in the field again, back in activity." She thought as she looked at Kibe through a surveillance camera walking through the streets of Ginza. She watched as he looked around and moved through crowds like he belonged, in complete disguise. His person suit.

Her silver eyes watched him like a hawks, yet her expression was indifference. Thats when she began to remember it, the first time her and Kibe had ever met. In Paris France, in the region of Saint-Arrus. There was a massive gathering. In this region of the city only rich and globally wealthy could come and join. People who could buy the president or buy an entire country just because. Those this was a secretive inner circle. Not many even knew about it. It was very exclusive. Not even governments or political parties and Supreme Court veterans could get in.

It was all reserved for the rich and the powerful, the people who ran the world. The people who owned oil, food markets, trading, underground operations that were international and of course those that funded and ran government and political operations.

"I remember that day clearly in my head, how could I not. There around a hundred or maybe less than that. They were all gathered in front of this massive towering mansion. It was in this neighborhood that had no name unless you were on the know, otherwise it was called Perfect Town.

There was fee to get in, but that fee was only a quarter of what you had to actually pay to not only live, but be part of the new world experiment taking place. This was the last place they would do this in before going global. Soon everyone would be able to have their children turned into the smartest and best human beings in all of existence.

This was the breakthrough in human engineering and conditioning...

This was...

The World of Intellectualism." Kiko though to herself.

Deep in that crowd would be a small young Kiko, no more than 5 or 6 months old. Her eyes were glued to to the entrance into the mansion. She was being held by her mother. Everyone around her was talking about prices, about the classes and about the money needed to fund the entire thing. Thats when the doors would open, the pale white mansions front doors bursted open with grace and elegance. Many people would walk out wearing white suits and black ties, some were doctors, others scientists and others psychologist. However the man in front is all anyone could stare at.

His real name was unknown to them all, but they all only knew one name to call him.

"Everyone! Welcome! Doctor Adil!" Shouted the announcer. Everyone clapped, Kiko remembers hearing her mother and father talking about buying some land in Greenland while everything was happening.

"Doctor Adil, he was the founder of the world of Intellectualism and man who brought back the dead religion of stoicism. His intellect was quite literally unbounded as many have said. The smartest man in human history and he wasn't on any magazine or news Channel. Instead he decided to invest his time and money into helping make the next stage of humanity.

Coded Law, Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now