Préservation de la vanité

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Kibe and Himmy walked throughout the streets, Kibe dressed in a sharp outfit,. A jacket with a black turtleneck underneath and black pants. Himmy wearing her normally scruffy fur hood and shorts. They two's positions were opposite. Kibe walked completely straight whole Himmy slouched and hands in her pockets. The perfect duality. Kibe looked through store and store, one for painters and the other for calligraphy. In the next store it was for pianist.  Kibe put his hands against a brush tree made piano while Himmy sat back bored out of her mind.

"Why are we here again?" Himmy asked as Kibe pressed his finger aginst a piano key. His expression unchanged, but his energy made it feel like he was disgusted with what was around him. At least that's how others felt.

"More often do humans find themselves wasting their time with meaningless things, striving for something that will inevitably consume their life." Kibe said to which Himmy rolled her eyes to. They soon left the store and would bump into a familiar face. It was Ryota. 

"KIBE! Glad to see you. I figured you for a more stay at home kind of guy." Ryota said with a smirk, Himmy looked away. 

"I often don't exit my place of residence unless needed. Pointless galavanting never suited me." Kibe said

"Well I don't blame you, it's been getting crazy around town. The school and the other students in a uproar about what's happened. The only thing they have to give them some hope is that stupid play." Ryota said, he looked around at the people walking past and near them. His right hand balled up and the other in his pocket. Himmy's eyes looked at him and then back to Kibe.

"Not a fan I assume?" Kibe asked

"No, not one damn bit. That rotten Takashi guy is a pig. The way he looks at those girls is...its sickening." Ryota said with aggression in his voice.

"You have family in it?" Kibe asked

"Yea, my sister. She got picked for his special audition...tch, what a guy." Ryota said as he wiped his mouth. Kibe readjusted his sleeves.

"Pigs are often seen as fattening, same with kings and many men of power. A symbol of greed and over consumption of wealth and the poor." Kibe said, Ryota's head tilted a bit.

"...I heard hes banned you from being in it. Just what did you do?" Ryota asked

"I can't possible cultivate what assumptions he's created to get to such a, unfortunate decision. Could be a fear of being outshined." Kibe said

"Your very...wordy, you must come from a home of writers or maybe artist." Ryota said

"Can we go now?" Himmy asked, as she looked to Kibe. Kibe's head turned to her and then back to Ryota.

"Who's your friend Kibe? Girlfriend? Sister?" Ryota asked, Himmy scoffed as she looked away.

"Acquaintance." Kibe said

"Oh come on, you don't got to be formal around me." Ryota said 

"I assure you, if I was romantically involved with someone. They'd be more behaved." Kibe said to which Ryota chuckled. 

"Hey! I asked if we could go." Himmy said raising her voice, Ryota looked at her and Kibe. Kibe just shrugged. 

"Well then, I'll be seeing you at school tomorrow." Kibe said

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