House of mon amor, Finale?

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That morning Mr.Nakayama would take Juo to a nice dinner for breakfast. It wasn't too crowded and there were plenty of early birds. Juo sat at the other end of the table with his eyes looking dead.

"Mmm, you know. I'm a man with a few good taste in food, that isn't my wife's cooking. Though I have to admit this dinner as the best eggs and waffles in Japan. Its really good." Mr.Nakayama said as he kept eating his food while Juo just stared at his syrup run down his pancakes. His eyes were almost nonexistent as he stared at them. Thats when he would blink and saw blood on his waffles instead. He immediately shook himself back to reality and looked again to see it was syrup once more.

Juo breathed heavily as he looked at it.

"PTSD." Mr.Nakayama said, Juo looked up at him with a gaunt and frightened face.

"Your nurse, Nin, said you might not recover from it. Best she could do was perscribe you some zoloft and paxil. They're approved by some nice folks in the states. Say it works wonders for vets.

Though you aren't one." Mr.Nakayama said, Juo leaned back as he massaged his face.

"I want to see him." Juo asked

"We don't have him." Mr.Nakayama replied

"You haven't caught him?!" Juo asked again with a shocked tone.

"We're currently working on changing that, but I can't do that. Unless you give me something to work with." Mr.Nakayama said

"...Ok, what do you want to know?" He asked

"I want to know his voice. What did he sound like?" Mr.Nakayama asked

"His voice?" Juo said with curiosity

"Yes, now talk." Mr.Nakayama said with a strict tone. Juo massaged his mouth as he leaned backnin his chair.

"His voice was...calm, it also was like being hit with a block of ice. Only it didn't hurt, it felt...satisfying in some sick way I'm sure.

But it had a inhuman feel about I was talking to a robot. Like talking to a-"

"Machine." Mr.Nakayama said, thats Juo looked up to Mr.Nakayama. He could tell, just from looking at him. That he had been met with that exact same greeting. Juo's eyes closed for a moment-

"Greetings" said that familiar echoy voice, that one that sounded like pure complexity and yet was so simple it felt like you could mimic it. He thought about it for just a few more moments.

"He also wanted the information about the dragon gang, he wanted to know the names of some people. He got them from torturing three of their members.

It was sick how he did it, he blasted off their kneecaps like they weren't even people. He talked so...plainly to them. Like it wasn't even worth the energy." Juo said as he looked to Mr.Nakayama. Mr.Nakayama turned his over to his coffee as he steered it with his spoon.

"You were seen on camera with him and one other. A girl." Mr.Nakayama said, thats when Juo's memories hit him like a truck. He immediately grabbed the table as he nearly almost collapsed on it. Mr.Nakayama looked to him in shock as he went to try to catch him.

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