Chapter 37: Pirates of the Kili-bbean: Queen Rue's Revenge

Start from the beginning

A figure hopping across the rooftops draws my attention away from my thoughts. The tall man, probably Bard, crosses his way through the town, avoiding the flames and bearing a bow in his hand. I can only hope he possesses the rare black arrow, or his whole plan of rescue shall fail miserably in his death.

"Poor souls," Balin says from behind me, alerting me to the whole company's presence. Turning about, I look into the eyes of all my companions, seeing the pain they feel at such desolation. The older dwarves, once dwellers of Erebor, seem to exist in the past with such a sight. The younger dwarves and Bilbo just look heart-broken at what we have caused.

Thorin, however, does not seem to mind the whole destruction he has caused, as he gazes upon the halls of Erebor. I scowl at his ignorance, yet recognize the dragon-sickness in his eyes, before turning back to watch the pain lash around in Laketown. It may not be the best idea to watch the scene, yet I know I must in order to grow.

That's when the bell stops its incessant tolling, bringing us the lone sound of licking flames and screams. Looking to the bell tower, I notice Bard shoot arrows at the dragon, each one bouncing harmlessly off his chest. Nevertheless, he continues to exhaust his arrow supply as they bounce harmlessly off the impenetrable scales of the dragon. I shake my head at the ignorance of men.

Bard falls over with a gust of wind that Smaug brings upon him just as Bain arrives to help his father. I gape at the younger boy, wondering what drove him to such measures, before I recognize the black arrow resting in the palm of his hand. My mouth hangs open as I gasp at the chance to end Smaug once and for all, and I know Bard is the only man who can do it.

Smaug, being the witty dragon he is, recognizes where the arrows are coming from, swiping his wing down to take off the top of the bell tower. Both Bard and Bain go flying, though they recover as Smaug lands upon the burning shacks of peasants. The man and dragon seem to have a conversation, avoiding my ears, as Smaug strides closer to the bargman. All the while, Bard prepares his makeshift bow, stringing the black arrow onto its fragile and taut string. He maneuvers Bain into a firing position as Smaug moves faster towards the father and son. My breath slows to a stop as the mighty foes come to what I hope is their final encounter.

And it is. Bard's shot flies through smoky air before planting itself under the wing of the old dragon. Smaug gasps, pain radiating in his stance and across his dangerous eyes, before falling forward into the town. The belltower, with Bard and Bain still residing in it, follows the path of other buildings, into the water, as Smaug's massive body slides forward in the last moments of life. In a last ditch effort, he launches his cold body into the sky, flapping his wings for the last time before falling back to earth. His screams and wheezing infiltrates my eardrums as he falls on Laketown, arrow in his heart. The sound of impact crashes through the company's ears, signalling the last sound that Smaug will ever make. We all gape in silence at the calmed town, which was in a frenzy just moments ago.

"What was that? What happened?" Oin asks, jumping to his feet to look upon the the dead body of our dragon. I turn away from the sorrowing, yet beautiful sight as Bilbo does the same.

"It fell. I saw it," Bilbo replies as the sun peeks its head over the eastern horizon. It is a new day, it would seem, as the night ends to highlight Smaug's true desolation. The sky of pink, orange, and purple shines in comparison to the smouldering ruins I thought of just hours ago. It is as I pictured, bodies littering the streets and smothered flames ruining lives, as the sun rises to greet our darkened faces.

And yet, it is not a sight to celebrate, for I can never forget that we caused this desolation, this pain. It will only tumble down from here. Our quest is far from over.

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